Deadline reports $86-95M tracking range for the three-day, $100M+ for the four-day.
I think this movie is going to do better than the internet thinks, and I think the RED HULK sells this movie and with this opening on Valentines Day, the marketing will play into this. We need a review is what we need, an early screening review from an unbiased reviewer who's not in this to shit on the movie because a Black man is in the title role now, albeit briefly until Evans returns, but still..
EXPECTATION: I've been trying to piece together the plot of this movie and if this movie has undergone 3 reshoots, then this must've been when they included the RED HULK? Sam Wilson stands no chance, but Bruce Banner does and we haven't seen the HULK be INCREDIBLE since AGE OF ULTRON(I don't include THOR RAGNAROK because he wasn't speaking in ULTRON and was just SMASHING. He shows up in this movie to do just that with the RED HULK and the audience does this:
REALITY: In the comics, Betty Ross becomes the RED SHE HULK. If Banner is not in this and it turns out Liv Tyler fights her own father, then audience reaction will be this: