MovieChat Forums > Filth (2014) Discussion > Just found out this movie exists... ques...

Just found out this movie exists... question for anyone who has seen it.

This may sound weird if you haven't read the book but does the tapeworm make an appearance? Just curious if they would try to pull that off.


Hi not that I can remember x


yeah very briefly in a vision. Just a flash his doc turns into it


Ya, there wasn't much to it. 2 scenes total that lasted about 2 minutes. Movie sucked but you might like it if you read the book. I hated it.


I know, I was interested to see what they would do with that! The tapeworm is kind of embodied by the doctor? Like, the purpose of the tapeworm in the book being to tell us all the information that Bruce lies about, which is what the doctor does here. And then throughout the film, the characters turn into various animals that represent them, and the doctor at one point turns into a tapeworm.


You could argue the tapeworm was the protagonist even! Still I don't think I'll check this out. I liked the book at the time, but I was an angsty teenager.


You should watch Filth, even if only for McAvoy's performance - he really is fantastic in it.


Second that, James McAvoy is mesmerizing here...


Third that. He's brilliant.


The Scottish accent was so heavy, the film needed subtitles. That, by itself, left me lost while watching the movie.

The bad news is you have houseguests. There is no good news.


Really? The accents in this aren't even that strong, Glasgow and Dundee stronger imo



This film was crazy as all hell, and just straight-fcked-up, mainly because the main character is such a lowlife,scumsucking d*** who would backstab/screw over everybody, including his mama,his dog, and his cat just to get that damn promotion he wants so bad. I will say that it was fun as hell to watch James McAvoy, with his cute self, play a sick,disgusting unrepentant son-of-a-***** for once. His character was just out-cold in this movie. Not hard to see why it didn't get much a push in the U.S.,but I've seen worst films that weren't this fun to watch (in some parts, that is----some scenes I couldn't even look at---anyone who's seen the film will I know what I'm talking about.)
