a few notes

The idea that anyone would have been the regular conductor at all of the Big Five is just preposterous. All of these orchestras want to have their individuality. Plus, when you join you commit to staying for a certain number of years. This just wouldn't happen.

I don't buy the opening interview with Gopnik either. It doesn't come off as an interview, but as someone reading something. The writers should have gone through it one more time and added the appropriate ums, changes of wording mid-sentence and all the other "mistakes" that are the normal part of a real interview.

The long conversation with the other conductor, Elliot, also rings false. It's just not how people speak to one another. Very unnatural.

Really surprised there is so much untranslated German. I can understand it, but others must be really offended.

Big symphony fan, but not that crazy about this one. Think it's really about canceling, how we're all effectively on camera all the time and how a single incident can be just the tip of an iceberg, but are these really new subjects?

I also suspect that originally the character was to be played by a guy, maybe a Patrick Stewart type, but the suits were only willing to go for it after a script change to make the character a woman.


Yeah, I noticed unnatural dialogue early on, too, but...I feel like the interview/talk would have been somewhat rehearsed, so I can forgive that. But the conversation with Elliot was definitely a bit weird.

I figured whatever German was spoken was largely unimportant to the narrative, but you could generally get the message from the emotions, anyway.

The subject of cancel culture is not new, but spinning it with a woman is, a bit more bold...and in the end, no narrative is truly new.
