Too much drama

I kind of miss them just focusing on the cakes. I'm tired of all of the family drama. Last season it was "will Grace and Joey stay" of COURSE they're going to stay! This is the family cash cow! Mary is going to come back and they'll play it all contrite. She probably went on paid vacation.
I remember when we saw 3 cakes a show and MAYBE a practical joke. Now it's always some kind of drama llama.


I agree, the drama has gotten really old. Not only that, but the cakes have gotten worse! They keep going for bigger and bigger and bigger. I miss the old cakes (Haagen Daaz, the apple tree, Sesame Street). The last few years, yes, they've had big cakes that are structurally impressive, but ugly. I wish they would go back to making fun cakes and not sculptures. I'm very close to deleting it off my DVR.


Right. The cakes are just kinda... Ugh. I didn't really like the Bar Mitzvah cake from this week. It made no sense to me.

I will say, I LOVED the Statue of Liberty cake. I personally think that's the best sculpt they've ever done.
I also liked the Bobby Hurley cake. Although the lettering looked like bubble writing that we used to do in Middle School. But most of their lettering looks like that.....
