THE CEO Swimming
How ridiculous that he goes swimming in a cap. Even more ridiculous was that goatee. He really showed his true colors though when he fired that girl on camera just because she wasnt in love with her job and wanted to better herself in her own field for which she was trained. How could he not understand that she wore a t-shirt because she was going to be on national TV.
He has bigger problems than a girl with ambitions that wants to better herself. We saw tonight people get promoted and no raise goes with it. Managers are working with no insurance. Girls are quitting and walking out the back door and his restaurants are empty.
Still, swimming in his cap- how ridiculous and vain! You're bald and your a douche to fire someone on tv for wanting to work elsewhere and not make a living using her breasts for the rest of her life.
As he said he will do what it takes to promote his business and coming on this show was a stunt. It backfired though, working class people dont want to see a CEO firing someone that wanted to better themselves and one who would do it on camera.