Fake ??

It seems that each episode features a whole bunch of people with various problems - usually a family drama or death. Does whoever goes undercover ever meet anyone normal or anyone who is not prepared to spill out their whole life story to someone they have met for the first time that day AND on camera ?


On Reddit:

Hey, Undercover Boss filmed part of an episode at a store I had only quit in the previous months. My friend still working there gave me the low down.
They told all the more experienced staff who had been there longer what was happening and they weren't rostered on to work that day. All the newer staff worked the shift, along with a newer duty manager who was the "guide" for the CEO.

Anyway, they filmed the episode, and the CEO was really impressed with this particular manager, so he promoted him to store manager as the prize. Now this caused a HUGE rift within the store, as the OTHER duty manager who had been there longer and was more experienced (and thus wasn't rostered on for that day) had been told previously he was in-line to receive the promotion.

Sht hit the fan. Tension grew. No one respected this new manager at all because he was gifted the position. Order basically collapsed and this guy who was promoted left the job some months after due to the amount of disrespect he was getting.

It is a really horrible program because basically ONE employee out of a TEAM gets a prize, and that's it. It causes massive rifts in the workplace.

They're a religion, Jim. They have no logic.


Figured as much...I'd be p!ssed too.


Well it is a reality t.v. show and what is acting, but a more dramatic representation of our personalities and emotions in real life? If people were normal and average, the show would be so boring. Even more so, the rewards at the end would feel pointless to give to a person that was all like "Yeah, I began working here and I am just working this job to make a living, you know? Probably going to go home and hit the sack and then come back the next day. Yup, life is swell. -_-"

We need some meat. We need some gossip. THIS IS HOLLYWOOD!

Better watch out, better start crying. Better hurry up, run and hide. Krampus is coming to town! >:)


yeah I think most of the people know they are on undercover boss, and give sob stories so they can get lots of money


This "reality" show is not reality because everything is scripted. Real people actually can't help but stare at the camera (like you see behind news reporters on-location). However, everyone on Undercover Boss never looks nervous in front of the camera or self-conscious. So that's the first clue. The second clue is that in real life, you don't air your laundry within minutes of meeting someone new. AND....on camera, no less. They rehearse those scenes down to perfection so it's believable for the viewing audience. Also, nobody would be FIRED or let go of a position as quickly as the "CEO" or "boss" is on this show. Peers cross-training peers don't have the authority to say it's not working out, especially on day 1. Everyone is nervous and makes mistakes on day 1. Duh.

I stopped watching this show a while back because it's too scripted and staged for me to enjoy.
