Answering the question with a question...ughhhh
I went to finally watch the final season...and I couldn't get into it, I waited too long and then the final season just didn't click. So I'm researching the whole series. I'm on season 4 episode 6. The whole Maddie Hayward, giving line into Peters campaign and then taking it away to run by herself, and the firm Lockhart Gardner is under control of a trust dude who helps them bring their firm back to where they should be financially after Will's suspension...
Anyways... The whole "phone you" thing is super annoying, but that's just dialect... Whatever... But another thing that keeps irking me is whenever someone asks someone a question they always start off by asking the beginning of the question back... Like cary says "did you call Diane?" and Alicia (or anyone responding to the question) would answer "did I.....???" and then the person repeats the question...
They all do this... Its the most annoying thing in the world....