Can't watch the reruns

They've ruined it for me by changing Alicia into a despicable character by the show's end. Despite being able to watch reruns no matter times they are on tv before, now I just can't stand the sight of her. Such a pity. Oh well. Time for the spinoff


I don't know. I never saw Alicia as a "good" person even from the start. She was a muted person who had the capability to go either way. I think the ending reflects life. Not everyone gets to have their happy ending. A person can be consumed and Alicia was. The Kings talk about it as the "education of Alicia Florrick" they mentioned that they wanted the first and last episode with a slap. The first was her waking up to what Peter had done to her and the last at what she'd become herself. Its uncomfortable to watch after so many years of cheering for this woman but its also highly reflective of her character. She was never Saint Alicia and good or bad, this was a woman who was motivated, shaped and molded by the events in her life. If anything that last slap hopefully means that it isn't the end for her and that if they do revisit this story they can show how she changes herself after that.
