MovieChat Forums > The Good Wife (2009) Discussion > Is America really the greatest country i...

Is America really the greatest country in the world? makes a good point!


Well, you're certainly in the wrong thread, but as long as you're here:

There is no "greatest country in the world." Every country has something wonderful to offer; the world would be impoverished with the absence of any.

In addition, the US consistently ranks lower than other industrialized nations in many areas:
---- the health of its citizens;
---- the high cost of healthcare per capita (because WE are the only Western nation without a national health service -- we're held hostage by greedy insurance companies);
---- educational accomplishment;
---- a huge and dangerous gap between rich and poor (it threatens social stability);
---- we're still applying the death penalty;
---- our high infant-mortality rate;
---- our significant pollution; and
---- our disproportionate use of natural resources,
to name just a few major problems with the overly proud and underly self-aware US. Much about this country is good and some is great, but much of it is bad -- and pride/hubris is preventing citizens from electing a Congress that will actually ADDRESS these problems.

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."


Much about this country is good and some is great, but much of it is bad -- and pride/hubris is preventing citizens from electing a Congress that will actually ADDRESS these problems.

Or a president.


The president has far less day-to-day power than Congress; if you don't know that, then please take a refresher in how legislation becomes law in the US -- the process is purposely complicated, in order to prevent tons of frivolous or contradictory laws on the books. I say this with moderate authority, as someone who worked for a legislative-tracking service for 6 years.

And, the deadlock over the budget and subsequent shutdown of the government -- that was Congress. The prez was not able to prevent that, nor can he (or she) prevent Congressional gridlock. Yes, the prez can veto bills, but he (she) can't force Congress to do much of anything, as these past several years have shown.

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."


Obama will go down as the worst president in US history, not because of the color of his skin! He is the MOST liberal president in our history. Being president means you must UNITE, not divide and conquer. Race relations are at an all time low thanks to him. Anyone voting democratic has had the wool pulled over their eyes. I'm not saying Republicans are better! The fact of the matter is, both sides have completely taken advantage of Americans! I pray Trump takes the WhiteHouse because a vote at this particular time for Hillary would truly finish off what this great nation was founded upon - GOD & THE CONSTITUTION!


Race relations are at an all time low thanks to him.
You can't be serious. You mean because so many white redneck bigots can't bear the idea that their President is a black man? Old Klan members must be spinning in their graves.
Being president means you must UNITE, not divide and conquer.
When Trump insults Muslim Americans, Latinos, and veterans, what would you call that?
Anyone voting democratic has had the wool pulled over their eyes.
But you think Trump is a viable alternative?? Wow. Just wow. Trump is an ignorant, egotistical, hate-mongering demagogue who has declared bankruptcy five times, is on his third marriage, has defrauded people who paid to go to his "university", and hasn't paid his taxes in years. (Why do you think he's refusing to show his tax returns like all candidates for the office are expected to do? It's because he's hiding something.) His candidacy is a grotesque joke.
what this great nation was founded upon
"Great nation"? In your dreams. The American economy was built on the backs of slaves, and many of the Founding Fathers owned slaves themselves. Unarmed black men are being shot by the police every other week. Yet you think the bloody mess of race relations in the U.S. is Obama's fault?? Unbelievable!
Oh please.  The sooner people realize that, if "God" even exists then obviously he's either extremely cruel, completely indifferent, or utterly incompetent, the better off they'll be.

The occult and the supernatural have no rational place in good government. Religions divide people and create more enemies than any other scam out there. People have killed and suffered more for religious excuses than any other reason.

In any free country, people are at liberty to believe any silly nonsense they want. But when they try to have their questionable superstitions reflected in public policy or enshrined into law, it won't be without a fight.


As an American, I feel ashamed.


As an American, I feel ashamed.
I feel sorry for you and ALL Americans right now. Their elections are a bloody joke. When I first heard about the "Electoral College", I thought it just had to be a mistake.

Let's be clear on this: The MAJORITY of the electorate chooses Candidate A -- but this select élite group (the "Electoral College") gets to override the will of the majority, and have someone ELSE win instead?? Are they kidding me with this? How in hell is that democracy?? Answer: It's not at all.

Maybe the U.S. needs to invite observers from Third World struggling democracies to come and monitor their elections for irregularities, instead of the other way around. SOMETHING sure needs to fix that situation, because what's happening is the opposite to what a real democracy is supposed to be.


You should brush up on your American history and political science before passing judgment on our system of electing a president. I think the concept of the electoral college, like most other simple subjects, is beyond your "intellectual" grasp... Now go grab yourself a doughnut from Tim Horton's. That's the social zenith for the average, and believe me you are average at best, in Canaduh....

I'm done here, given your argumentative, irrational baseless history of posts under a host of names, feel free to puke out, in the written form, your misguided message.

Now take off you hoser!! Pathetic...


Your usual butthurt bluster and blabber, I see, resorting to cheap stereotyping and witless putdowns. Is that really the best you can do?  Trump sure is your man, all right!

And we can all see that, even though you apparently think you know your "American history and political science", you still weren't able to justify that idiotic system where the select few in the Electoral College get to overturn the will of the majority of American voters. Exactly HOW is that democracy in action, again?

Let's see you explain and justify that idiotic system, instead of just furiously lobbing your spitballs in all directions. You can't do it, because it's a ridiculous anachronism that should have been thrown in the garbage a long time ago.

You should feel ashamed too, electing an ignorant sexist bigot who has ZERO experience as a politician, and "does not play well with others". Even his name is British slang for "to fart audibly", which sure seems appropriate. People all over the world will be snickering at you behind your backs.

But I look forward to welcoming the best of your countrymen to a REAL progressive democracy, now -- just like we did during the Vietnam war, too.....


Gotta love when Americans are so jealous of Canadians that they go on a bitter rant about Tim Hortons. Look we are sorry that we have cheaper education, a higher minimum wage, free healthcare with our taxes, parental leave and are just genuinly happier and nicer people.


it's crazy because when you have someone who's too far on the left/right, we call them out for not being unifying and driving a wedge in the country. But then when you have someone moderate, it's considered pandering and not being genuine. Hillary got crap for being too centrist, and having a moderate running mate...and that didn't seem to work for America either.

A rose is just a rose.


…and certainly not the greatest country in helping/accepting refugees….


No the majority of the people is stupid if they can vote for a loser like Trump!


Well I certainly would not want to live anywhere else. And I would NOT live anywhere else.

And if my neighbor to the N/W/E or S was being attacked by another country, I would fight with my neighbor to ward off the danger.

Secret to "happiness": learning how to cope


Well I certainly would not want to live anywhere else. And I would NOT live anywhere else.
You don't see the appeal of Canada, or the UK, or Australia? France, Italy, Spain? The Scandinavian nations? Many other nations?

I'm suggesting that looking at the world in this hierarchical way (one country is BEST) is part of what keeps us from having peace. Most nations of this world are pretty great, and I think we -- everyone in the world -- would be a lot better off if we all could recognize the strengths of others and work to improve our own weaknesses.

The people you care about the most -- your family, or friends, or both: Do you see yourself as better than those others? Or do you see each member of the group as a person with strengths and weaknesses, such that you're interested in the well-being of everyone in the group rather than seeing yourself as the figure at the top of the pyramid?
........ I'm guessing that you consider your loved ones just as important/just as good as yourself -- and I'm suggesting that if we all had such a worldview, the world would be headed toward peace rather than mired in endless war.

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."


Just watched Ep. 1 of season 5 of The Good Wife - yeah - you're really the greatest country


It has its strengths and weaknesses. As an Australian I'm happy they are our allies. You have a lot of issues with things like gun control and health care. And your current election is scary. Greatest country? No. Awesome country? Yes.


Oh please, it's not even close.

With their appalling statistics on gun crime and sexual assault? With the disgraceful amount of poverty that's everywhere, side by side with utterly OBSCENE amounts of wealth held by so few?

When I saw Snowden last week, I had to laugh when that was one of the questions he kept being asked on his polygraph tests. Apparently Americans have been so brainwashed that BELIEVING they're the greatest is seen as some sort of test of "truthfulness". Hardly.

The inner cities in most big U.S. cities are extremely dangerous, especially at night. While CIVILIZED countries look after their citizens with free health care for all, in the U.S. you could lose your entire life savings if you ever get sick or in an accident. Unarmed black men are being shot by the police every week or so. Race relations there are among the worst in the world, and many of the Founding Fathers owned slaves.

Contrary to what Americans like to think, very few people elsewhere would ever want to live there. And don't tell me about immigration. There are line-ups of desperate refugees waiting to get into EVERY well-off country -- not just the U.S.

But speaking of "well-off", according to Standard & Poor’s, the U.S. has a credit rating of AA+, which makes the U.S. RANK SEVENTEENTH in the world in that category. Sixteen economies rank higher, at AAA. In alphabetical order, they are: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom, ALL of whom are above the U.S.

Americans like to imagine that they invented "freedom" and still hold the patent on it -- but if you look closely at their mythical "four freedoms", the myth quickly falls apart.

Here's a grim reality check for you. Read them and weep:

AND here's a list of 40 things that the U.S. IS number one in -- but it's not a list to be proud of at all:

And speaking of their "scary election" if you read the international press, opinions of Donald Trump are ranging from outright ridicule to a growing alarm that such an ignorant and egotistical nutcase who doesn't pay his taxes actually has a very good chance to become the U.S. President.  It's time to worry.


Something you forgot to mention in your comment: death penalty and the situation in prisons.
And that indeed is something that was a topic in some of the episodes of the show - to get back to TV. As I mentioned above - watch first episode of season 5 and you can't believe that this is supposed to be a civilized country - at least difficult for us Europeans. There is also one episode were the prison conditions are what drives an innocent man insane and leads to the death of Will.


Unarmed black men are being shot by the police every week or so.

White cops shooting unarmed black men accounted for less than 4 percent of fatal police shootings.

In three-quarters of the incidents, cops were either under attack themselves or defending civilians. In other words, doing their jobs.

The majority of those killed were brandishing weapons, suicidal or mentally troubled or bolted when ordered to surrender.

Nearly a third of police shootings resulted from car chases that began with a minor traffic stop.


I do believe that police officers try hard to do their jobs to the best every day. However, the legislation is often to blame for the adaptation of their actions. Also the police officers in question are not the ones deciding the laws to uphold. Only the responsibility of of those politicians can be held to that.
