I'm very sorry about my late reply to your last post here in this thread!
I have to say that I completely disagree with you on this matter. Especially this sentence:
One can clearly signal the big picture (Kalinda killed him) while being ambiguous about the details (how did she manage, given that we last see them together inside an office building?).
My disagreement with you comes from your argument (not fact!) that the Kings somehow signalled their intention that Kalinda killed Nick. I think that's wrong and they did not signal his death at all. Meaning: They are not only ambiguous about the details (as you put it), they're also ambiguous about the big picture (as I would put it). In my opinion, they didn't know better how to resolve their relationship and left it wide open for interpretation.
See, I read your earlier post with the description and interpretation of episode 4.10, about Kalinda's/Nick's last scene and the scene with Alicia and Kalinda in the bar afterwards. But I'm not convinced by any of the details you brought up or that were shown on tv to assume that Kalinda killed him. In fact, we as viewers can't even say that Nick was killed; from what I know of and remember, there are no clues from the show or from interviews by the Kings about Nick's death. So, all you actually did was interpreting Kalinda's face, reaction and re-assurance to Alicia that Nick won't come back - nothing else, and nothing more, the rest is speculation.
So, in my opinion, factually, you could state that Nick disappeared and never came back, but nothing further. That's the "big picture" here - he didn't come back. His possible death by the hands of Kalinda is merely a detail in some of the many scenarios of what might have happened to him - not the big picture you assume.
I remember that some fans of the show thought that he actually was intimidated by Kalinda's threat of calling the police and just left. A few fans thought that Kalinda threatened him to call Lemond Bishop about his drug business, meaning that she had (business) relations with Bishop beyond what was shown on the show until then. Or some fans thought that Nick finally left because his goal was to get her back and he realized that she wouldn't come with him; that it was never about the money, but about her love for him as his puppet. Or, always my favourite interpretation, that Kalinda was indeed working undercover for an agency all the time during the show, hence her knowing-it-all-all-the-time, and that she got rid of him via her agency.
Nevertheless, my point is: All these different theories/scenarios of what happened to Nick are flawed and doesn't really fit into the show; all these explanations are totally unsatisfying to me. The big flaw in your interpretation, and why I think your argumentation is contradictory, is calling "the implausibility of a small woman killing a stronger man" just "a sign of mediocre writing". What if it was never the King's intention to signal Nick's death by Kalinda's hands/doing? Because - in my opinion - the writers didn't even know themselves how to solve this on their own, which is why they left it wide open. (Side note: I don't think Kalinda would ever be able to kill someone, anyone, for any matter, but that might be a dangerous romantic notion fom me as a viewer that I'm three-quarterly aware of ... )
So, to come back to the OP's question: Did Kalinda kill her husband? In my opinion, we as viewers don't know, because the writers never had the guts to give an answer to that question. And that's what's so annoying about the show in the long run - at least for me: The writers had no idea what to do with many of their characters accept Alicia.
Best wishes,
"Love [...] is the most incredible gift to give and to receive as a human being." - Ellen Page