Farewell, IMdb boards

The boards are going to be shut down in two weeks. I wanna thank all of you who discussed things with me. I know I'm no longer active on the TGW board, but I've posted here for years. Before the show started to suck, and frankly for too long after. So thanks again, I've spent a good amount of time here.

Still shopoholic, just wearing a new T-shirt



omg this is actually sad:(


Too bad the board are closing. Would love to discuss the Good Fight too.


Instead of having an unmoderated forum, IMDB decided to spend time and money (?) on politically correct administrators. Liberals just HATE free speech.



The boards are going to be shut down in two weeks.
I wanna thank all of you who discussed things with me.
I'll second that! Thanks to all of you I had the pleasure to discuss the show with during the last years! 
So thanks again, I've spent a good amount of time here.
Me too - I'll miss this place. 

Best wishes,


"Love [...] is the most incredible gift to give and to receive as a human being." - Ellen Page

PS: stayalivein85, ich antworte auf Deine pm in den nächsten Tagen, wenn ich mehr Zeit und Konzentration habe. Versprochen! 


I still cannot believe that Will is dead.


I feel the same way. I cannot fathom why IMDB would close such a popular forum which fills a unique void.


Yeah just came to say the same. I was really looking forward to discussing the good fight but I guess Amazon/IMDb prioritizes complaints and 'experiences' over quality interactions that have been the cornerstone of this site. Thank you for 7 years of good times folks! :)

A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
