Does anyone know the actress who played Tom's (Martin Sheen) secretary at the start of the film. My wife and I both thought we recognized her but can't put a name to the face. We didn't see her in the closing credits and there is no mention on IMDB either.
Renee Estevez, with an accent on the first 'e', which IMDb is beeping up on their end. She's in the closing credits, listed as 'Doreen'. Not sure if she's on the cast list, too lazy to look, somebody else can update - Screen cap:
Thanks for the info. She's obviously not the actress we thought it was. Looking at her resume I know that I have seen a few other things she's been in but my wife has definitely not. Must be confusing her with someone else.
Oddly enough "The Way" isn't on her resume. Perhaps she just did it as a favor and didn't get paid!