North-west Spain has a different climate to Southern Spain and the Costas. It can be very hot in the summer so most people choose to do the Camino in Spring and Autumn when it's cooler and wetter. In the film it's heading into Autumn, as I remember, you hardly see anyone in tee-shirts/shorts and the scene where they meet James Nesbit, the crops are already in. Outwith the summer months, the weather is unpredictable in this region, further north, it's known as Green Spain with a climate more akin to that of Ireland and Scotland (Celtic Cousins!)
I thought it was a beautiful film on all levels, but have only one small niggle, not enough food!!!! I walked every step of the way with them (in spirit!) and was disappointed when they arrived at the inns and refugios in the evening, they were rarely seen eating. I thought this would be a great opportunity to showcase these regions' cuisines. Even the most basic inn could have brought them crusty bread, cheese and hams / sausages or a tortilla espanol. When the DVD comes out, I'm going to invite my hill-walking friends round for a tapas and red wine viewing!!!