Fantastic Movie

This movie really struck me. It was well-done, in fact almost perfectly done. Operated on many levels. The direction was excellent, the writing, and Martin Sheen was so believable. I wanted to see this when it was released, but missed it, howver I just caught it on NetFlix. It is one of those hidden gems.

No murders, rapes car crashes, super-heros, computer animation - just a really great movie, with great characters and wonderful scenery … I really enjoyed it.

10/10 in my book.


Love this movie, just watching it again.


I've just now seen it and yes, it's pretty much a perfect movie. It's very moving, very absorbing, beautiful. I loved it.


It's a movie I return to every year or so, each time enjoying it anew. Quiet, reflective, warm & deeply moving.


Me too. I just watched it again. It gets me every time.


Great film, I love these type of films where nothing major really happens and just likeable but flawed small group of characters hang out and talk and make each other better (or in this film walk).

I think the film really picks up once Martin Sheen's character picks up his little crew of Sarah, Jack and Joost. Then for me the film really gets to great levels. Martin Sheen is excellent in this as are the other actors in it. It's a film that really just slip by the radar when released in 2010, it's picked up a cult following since (7.3 rating on IMDB is impressive) and it's Emilio Estevez's best film as a director/writer. Got a nice soundtrack too. Some of the cinematography is stunning too.
