1) He didn't burn down the house intentionally. His faulty wiring caused the fire cause he's a terrible handyman.
2) Because she hated her father at that moment. She told him just a few moments before that she hated him. Seeing Danny's car, which she was familiar with having likely seen it many times since he and her father had become friends, she decided to run away and hop into Danny's car instead.
3) Likely because the wife convinced him to do so like she said she was going to prior to the "8 months later" episode. She needed some way to secure the sale of her business, George's mother needed the money, and George, being a spineless pussy, eventually relented. It also made for a good bit of irony given the fate of the billionaire woman and how her horrific demise was almost entirely because of her purchase of that chair.
4) Not sure. The show had a few moments that were puzzling, like that one and the constant flashes to the ground, implying they had buried someone. It's possible, given the last episode, that it was a metaphor for their burying their true selves throughout their lives, and the flashes of earth and stuff were foreshadowing the psychedelic trip they eventually have in that episode.