Agonizingly bad
What I mean is, this movie is not just typically bad movie, it's not your everyday cliché crap, where you know exactly where the movie is going. It's not a soulless, hilariously paint-by-the-numbers stuff you would expect from this kind of stuff.
It's agonizing, because it's so slow, it's so boring, and yet, it doesn't give you anything entertaining. Well, unless you like badly shot explosions and boring dialogue and cliché 'evil dudes harassing waitresses but not enough to do anything to them for some reason' (besides weird suggestions with wiggly tongue and laughter, while grabbing her hand - but no other body part).
Come on, men don't talk like that, and no man would ever make such a tongue-wiggly suggestion and then do nothing afterwards. Someone evil and douche enough to do THAT would surely have no qualms about doing a lot MORE as well. No one that would stop so suddenly would ever do that, so none of it makes any sense.
It's like.. these guys have NO qualms about killing someone for their motorcycle, but they won't even touch a woman against her consent. Dirty, slimy drunkard drug users and -dealers (because of course) that live in the desert, never get horny enough to rape or even get interested in the 'pretty, but slightly less pretty than the other' waitress?
NOTHING about this movie makes any damn sense, but the most agonizing thing is just waiting.. waiting..
..waiting while nothing interesting or entertaining happens, WAITING for Damme to start doing martial arts, kicking buttockses and faces alike, and just avenging all the 'sexual harassment' that the owner of the café first has no problem with, but then suddenly does.
In any case, there are SO many things wrong the first 20 minutes that you just have to groan and roll your eyes while slapping your forehead and feeling cringe.
For example, why is everyone always late in movies? So there can be dialogue about it?
Also, what kind of COMMUTE is that? Through just plain desert?
How can a random spot in the middle of nowhere in the desert where no one would normally have any reason going to, be SO busy that everyone drives at that EXACT spot? I mean, that commute, for crying out loud - why would they go towards a group of people at a random spot instead of driving far, far around them? If that's just their regular route (weird that there is no road of ANY kind, not even faint tire tracks, if that's the case), then it's a really big coincidence.
Empty desert is not going to be that busy that everyone just happens to drive to that very spot, for crying out loud. You're not going to find a motorbike guy in the desert if it takes you THAT long to follow them - Damme's character obviously drives into the desert very early in the morning or late at night, so it must take hours for the other people to arrive. One motorbike leaving such clear tire tracks that they can be followed hours later in such dry sand??
That coyote would NOT have been just casually running and ignoring a very loud motorbike (that it might not even have seen or heard before) and not even change its direction a little bit, UNLESS it's trained to do so. There are DOGS that are afraid of any loud sounds (as seen in 'Dog Whisperer' and 'Cesar 911'), a wild animal would be WAY more cautious and scared of sudden loud sounds than a domesticated one!
As I said, nothing makes sense. Why would the waitresses be working in the lousy desert café, when they could be working in the city and gain more tips and money? Who goes to the desert café, how can it even stay in business? What kind of idea is it to even have such café? It's such a cliché premise that douches harass pretty waitresses in some café, but it makes no sense that .. aagh, my brain is overloading with nonsense with this crap.
Look, people live in places where there are ROADS for their commute. No one is going to commute every day through OPEN DESERT (and if they did, there would be some kind of road or tracks or something)! What kind of sense does any of this make?
Damme's friend is invisible when the guys are there, but this invisible friend can carry him anyway? He knows all this 'ancient spirit magic', but is just a boozehound anyway?
A 'magical coyote' appears when they're healing Damme's character, but coyotes are the lowest form of 'life', if you can call it that, they're nothing but lousy, low-level carnivores that murder anything living without feeling bad about it. How can people praise and worship these carnivore ANIMALS so much?
Why do primitive minds think animals are some kind of spirits? Because they don't talk? Animals are the most primitive forms life can take, why worship them?
The worst thing is, this is a Damme movie where Damme doesn't do any martial arts. No kicks, punches or anything, except the 'drunken stupor' in the beginning that's not very interesting or fun to watch.
What is this movie trying to say, what's the point of it? It's like garbage idea after garbage idea..