Too much cursing.

This movie is a prime example of too much cursing ruining a movie. People that make movies are relying on the whole profanity thing to be funny. It's exhausting to watch, when every other word out of a character's mouth is *beep*


get desensitized.



Saying there is too much cursing im deadpool is like saying there are too many yellow people on the simpsons



Cursing? Yes. So?

The X-Men timeline was altered 2 times, not just one (DOFP).
FIRST CLASS was already a "divergence".
Everything is explained here:



So, a movie shouldn't rely on that to be funny. I see the point went over all of your heads....


Your point was pointless.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


So was your post....


No, it wasn't actually. I was explaining to you that you never had a point. Something which you seemed completely unaware of.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


Actually I did have a point King_of_bob, you are just too damn stupid to get it!


You think you did, but you actually didn't. Your "point" comes down to "swearing bothers me, all movies should be PG-13 at most." Which isn't a point at all. It only ruined the movie for puritanical asshats like yourself. Anyone who knows anything about the character should be aware that he requires an R rated movie.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


Actually I did have a point King_of_bob, you are just too damn stupid to get it!

You didn't have a point. You just don't like swearing. That's not really a point. That's just a preference on your part.

So the reason no one got your point wasn't b/c they were "too stupid", it was that your point was..........pointless.

Glad I could help. 


Can't you make your point without resorting to curses like "damn"?


The constant vulgarity makes it unpleasant and impossible to watch in "mixed company." It made a lot of money, so someone liked the cussing. Not me.


Did you not know anything about the movie before you saw it? Why would you watch an R rated movie anyway? Were you expecting a Disney film?

You didn't like it because you didn't do your homework. Take some responsibility for your actions!



Kaneforgov: Not all R rated films have that much cursing in it. Like I said, I am ok with some cursing, but this film is almost nothing but cursing. U N D E R S T A N D????


Not all R-rated movies are specifically tagged as having strong language throughout:

Rated R for strong violence and language throughout, sexual content and graphic nudity


Grow the *beep* up. EDIT: Ruined it for you maybe. Most adults don't actually care.

<i> There's always free cheddar in the mousetrap </I>


I think it's hilarious that you are whining about the cursing, considering how absolutely gory this movie was. The sequence on the bridge was more disgusting than anything I've ever seen - and I loved it.


Yeah, I noticed that the OP was totally fine with all the violence. Nice to see he/she has his/her priorities straight. 


This movie is one of the most violent ones in recent memory. I hate all the cursing in it too.

Who say's the word, "cursing"? Seriously. Does OP tell their buddies to knock it off with the cursing when they're hanging out?

It's called cussing, or swearing, or using profanity or strong language. Last time I checked, they don't give movies ratings based on cursing.


Who says it? People from different regions than you. Would I be correct if I guessed you were from the south? I've seen people here on the internet react similarly to people who use "cuss" in place of "curse," some going so far as to say they think anyone who uses cuss instead of curse is of limited intelligence.

What both they and you fail to realize is that this is not your backyard, it's the internet and on the internet you're likely to run into *gasp* people from other parts of the world. Making a fuss over something like this is like seeing someone who calls soda, pop (or the reverse in your case since curse is the proper word and cuss is slang) and then going on a mini-rant about how it's called soda and they are wrong for how they grew up hearing things.

Btw, since I assume part of your issue is that you've been taught to only associate the word "curse" with a hex of sorts and that's why you find it so odd to hear people use curse to mean profanity, it should be noted that words (shockingly, I know) often have different meanings and so curse means one thing in one context and another thing in a different context. One of those meanings for the word is to use profanity, whereas the actual definition of cuss is to curse since cuss is slang for the profanity definition of curse (it's essentially a dialectical mispronunciation of the word that stuck).


It's also not funny


That's part of deadpool's character, GET USED TO IT and don't be such a bag of dick tits
