Honestly, i enjoyed the film and it definitely surprised me because from the way people were talking and the publicity for it, i was fearing another Green Lantern, honestly, i thought it would be awful
But to my surprise it was actually pretty good, it had decent action, decent humour and the characters were mostly interesting
But, that's it for me personally, it was good and enjoyable, but it wasn't award winning material, the actual plot is quite basic and at times paper thin, the humour while hitting the mark quite often, falls flat on many occasions and even some of the action scenes are a little predictable in places
So yeah, good and definitely a nice surprise in terms of quality, but apart from showing that a R rated movie based on a comic can work, it wasn't really a game changer and wasn't really that original, just well made and executed
For me and again, just my opinion, it doesn't really come close to being in the same place as Bat begins and the dark night or IM or the Avengers, i think they're all superior to DeadPool, which isn't to say it's not a good film, because it is, it's just not great
As for the sequel, i fear they will try to go bigger and louder and in the process give us what a lot of people feared the first film would be like