Brick Mansions and B-13.
For those who may not yet know, "Brick Mansions" with Paul Walker is based on the same Luc Besson script as "District B-13", but has a different director and is set in Detroit instead of Paris. As such, while the overall story arc is much the same in both, and many of the characters are the same, there are also a number of significant differences. Enough differences to make "Brick Mansions" a worthwhile viewing even for those of us who have seen B-13. For me two major positive differences are better cinematography and a much more aggressive sound track, two things I value in movies.
Which is better? Depends on your own perspective and what you like in a movie. "Brick Mansions" stars Paul Walker and is in English, with more interesting action scenes. For many that will make it preferable. But for those who say "Brick Mansions" is an inferior remake, take that with a grain of salt because it is not inferior in any way. For the purists who say the movie did not need to be remade, I'd counter that neither movie needed to be made in the first place. It is entertainment, not a cure for cancer.
For the unbiased who enjoy the "what if" of the same script being made into two different movies, watch both of them in successive viewings, it is a very interesting exercise.
..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.