Worst Marvel movie ever

I just watched a marathon of Marvel movies, X-Men 1-3, the most recent two, Wolverine 1-2, Iron Man 1-3, Avengers 1-2, Hulk 1-2, Punisher 1-2, and this one was easily the worst by far. Solid 2/10. It was incredibly boring and out of touch culturally for world audiences let alone American. I sure hope the third one isn't this craptastic.


With Mangold at the helm don't hold your breath.


It was incredibly boring and out of touch culturally for world audiences let alone American.

That's about the most stupid criticism I have ever heard. But what can be expected from some ignorant joker who makes a "worst ever" thread. Please, OP, go back to enjoying your Human Centipede films.

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Whose idea was it for the word LISP to have an S in it?


That's about the most stupid criticism I have ever heard.
Agreed. Just about the most pretentiously dumb comment I've seen posted for quite awhile.🐭


I've seen Marvel movies that are way worse than The Wolverine. To me, the worst Marvel movies are X-Men 3, Origins, Spider-Man 3, & Amazing Spider-Man 2.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


It's fine that you didn't like it but marvel has churned out some crap in the past. This movie tried and succeeded in many ways, to say it's the worst is just ridiculous.


I disagree I love this movie more than the Avengers. The Fantastic Four Reboot(2015) is the worst Marvel movie for me

I'm gonna show you something beautiful everyone screaming for mercy


I agree 100%! I just this minute posted my own thread saying why I don't like this one


Fant4stic 2015
Spider-man 3
Amazing Spider-man 2
X-men: Last Stand
Wolverine Origins
The Punisher 2004
are all worse films, by far.
