Who is the best director of the X Men Films?
I would argue Bryan Singer. Case in point: X Men Days of Future Past and the first X men. Arguably the greatest and most interesting films, despite its overwhelmingly large cast. Every aspect was so spot on. There was no need for crazy undue amounts of flash backs.
I am HOPING that for the last Wolverine installment, they will have Bryan back. But I am not sure they will. This director makes the film too dark. It needs levity. Also, it needs to make more sense. The plot was SO hard to follow and yet managed to be incredibly predictable.
It was like beautiful granddaughter needs to be protected. The morally ambiguous rich guy makes an indecent proposal. A scary looking doctor eyeballs the main hero and acts weird. Throw in a bunch of ninjas and put it in Tokyo. This is what the plot development was.
They need to try harder! Give the film to someone who will do it justice!!!