The Wolverine and Logan

So his claws are Adamantium again in the new film... which means The Wolverine was as pointless as I predicted after seeing it. Well at least the whole plot of taking away his powers and adamantium.

The X-Men film seems to keep doing this. It is really irritating to watch sometimes.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.


which means The Wolverine was as pointless as I predicted after seeing it. Well at least the whole plot of taking away his powers and adamantium.
So, metal on his claws matter more than his character development? That's dumb as hell.



Ehm... no.

Continuity does though.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.


Continuity does though.
Regardless of whether or not this is the "The Wolverine/Days of Future Past" timeline or the "Days of Future Past/X-men Apocalypse" timeline, both versions of him have his metal back on his claws before this movie.



But Wolverine has bone claws by the end of The Wolverine... until he doesn't anymore in the next film.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.


But Wolverine has bone claws by the end of The Wolverine... until he doesn't anymore in the next film.
Well, it has been years between The Wolverine and Days of Future Past, so it's not exactly a stretch to think that he could have gotten the metal on his bones so that they'd be stronger to fight sentinels, since his bone claws can break.




Considering how traumatic it was the first time... this would be one hell of a trip for him again. A shame they didn't touch it if true.

However it very much reads as a "oh well we will just excuse by 1) time travel 2) comic book logic 3) here are some bad ass scenes of Wolverine with metal claws doing his thing, deal with it!! "

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.


What was traumatic for him was having his full skeletal structure coated with adamantium. His claws, on the other hand, can be recoated much more easily and therefore it would have been ridiculous to try crowbar a "hell of a trip" onto the experience.

This time all he has to do is extract his claws and let someone coat them. If Magneto is the one to do that it could likely be done without any pain since it would all be done externally and Magneto should be powerful enough to manipulate hardened adamantium rather than having to deal with hot, liquid adamantium. If a competent smith does it then Wolverine would have to endure the pain of hot, liquid adamantium against his bone claws but, again, since it wouldn't have to be done internally it would be far more bearable than what he went through when his whole skeleton was coated. He may also have a great deal anxiety over the situation but I doubt it would be any worse than the stress he experienced when seeing Stryker in DoFP.

When people make this argument they usually imagine his going through the bonding process that Stryker put him through again. However, instead try to imagine a much more mundane scenario that's equivalent to a minor non-evasive medical procedure and then see if the pain, suffering, and emotion that you have in your head would still fit with what there reality of what it is we would've seen on screen if they showed it to us.


Huh. I never thought of it that way. It would make sense for him to just have his claws coated with adamantium in the new time line, especially if Magneto was still his ally at the time and did it carefully.

Unless you go with Hank's "ripple effect" time-travel theory, where the time stream fixes itself eventually, so Logan would still get the full-body experimentation. And there's also the scene in Apocalypse where Jean saves Wolverine after he had been turned into a weapon by Stryker and his gang, which strongly suggests that he did still get the full-body adamantium.


So his claws are Adamantium again in the new film... which means The Wolverine was as pointless as I predicted after seeing it.

Which didn't need 'Logan' to do that, as his claws were Adamantium in the future scenes of DoFP, which took place after The Wolverine.

Now, a lot of people called foul on Wolverine having Adamantium again in DoFP, but I personally think there's enough in the franchise (the movies) to at least guess what happened.

In X2, Magneto says:

William Stryker, the only other man I know that can manipulate Adamantium.

Magneto doesn't come right out and say, "And I am the first". But IMO, that is strongly implied, so much so that we should assume he's talking about himself as being the unmentioned first guy who can.

It's not much of a stretch of the imagination to assume that with Magneto and Wolverine teamed up in such a massive struggle, he's help a mutant out.


I'm pretty sure Logan is a totally stand alone film. Having nothing to do with the other xmen movies


It is what I have heard from multiple people


Nope...Logan is part of the X-Men timeline. The reference to the "Statue of Liberty" solidifies that.


