Not homophobic
But wish Bo had ended up with Dyson.
shareMe, too.
shareIt always interesting to see people start their comment as NOT homophobic...but.
Dyson and Bo have not been a couple since the end of season 1. Did you really think it would change at the very last minute of the 5th season in the series ?
I'm just glad the decision is OVER.
Dyson made it clear that he is still in love with her over and over again.
Heck, I thought they implied they basically are going to have their cake and eat it too.
Bo will be with Lauren until she'll eventually die many years from now and then then Dyson could try again.
Either way, I can totally understand the op's comment. Let's face it, there are plenty of people who will instantly assume that if you're not in favor of 2 *specific* people of the same gender being together it's because of Homophobia.
Rather than just those 2 specific people.
Personally? I was actually hoping they'll end it with Tamsin surviving somehow and Bo being with her instead of Lauren or Dyson. Pretty much take the unexpected route.
But alas, no they didn't.
Bo has told Dyson several times that she is not in love with him anymore. It's more probable that once Lauren dies Bo will eventually fall in love with someone new. Dyson can't make Bo love him. She either does or doesn't. Nothing Lauren and Dyson agree to is important. Only what Bo feels is.
shareThe triangle's really been over since S3. S1 introduced it, and suggested Bo had feelings for both of them, but after 1.08 kind of settled on Dyson. Had Dyson not been tricked out of his love who knows what would've happened, but in the meantime Bo moved on to Lauren, and they spent the rest of the series dancing around each other romantically.
Bo does love Dyson, but has made it clear since S3 that she's not in love with him. That may change in the future, but it might not, so who really cares. Bo chose Lauren, and the series ended with them together. That makes them endgame, for whatever that's worth. You don't have to like it to respect the decision to end on that note, since it's pretty rare for the girl to get the girl in the end. Ending that way also re-affirmed what the series had been working toward all along, which was Bo and Lauren. They were clumsy and stupid about it, and it was probably not where they started out, but it's been there in the narrative since the very beginning, so it's not a surprise.
I took Dyson and Lauren's conversation as Lauren working through her own baggage, and acknowledging that Dyson will always be there to support Bo, which he will. There doesn't have to be romance involved, and it's certainly not what Bo has expressed as a wish. If you think about it, the idea that Dyson's just going to creep around them while Lauren ages, waiting for his turn, paints a rather awful, pathetic picture. I wouldn't wish that on a character I liked.
Edited for spelling and grammar.
I HATE Bo/Lauren, because I find them insufferable together, and I don't like Lauren.
I have always been rooting for Bo to end up with Dyson or Tamsin, but I always knew I wouldn't get my wish, it was clear that it would have ended up with Bo/Lauren.... I was prepared, but it still sucks.
I think they implied that when Lauren dies, Dyson will be there. I'm not a Bo/Lauren fan to be honest (or a Lauren fan, actually), but this ending was satisfying enough for me. One day Dyson and Bo will be end game.
shareBo does not love Dyson that way anymore! If she loved him so much, why then would she choose to be with Lauren! Bo and Lauren are endgame. Dyson can love other people, he realized that when he started falling for Alysia. For people to keep saying that Bo and Dyson can be together when Lauren dies, why would you want him to sit by and wait for Lauren to die so he can be with her. I'm pretty sure Lauren just meant that she knew he would be there for Bo as a friend. Regardless, the show is over and it ended with Bo and Lauren together, so that pretty much makes them endgame!
shareMe too but I see it as they made them endgame. The writers basically said through Lauren and Dyson that they both are her loves. First Lauren and then Dyson will be end game. I'm happy with it. Bo loves them both so it makes sense. They both have history and pivotal moments in bos journey so both end games make sense. Dyson was always going to be her last because he will live longer which was stated several times. Dyson and Bo is the ultimate end game. :)
shareYou say that Dyson is Bo's ultimate endgame. Please explain to me how that is possible when Bo has told Dyson multiple times she is no longer in love with Dyson ?? As I've stated before in other posts, no matter what Lauren and Dyson decide for Bo's future love, it is up to Bo to decide who she loves. It's more likely Bo will find a new love after Lauren dies.
shareYou clearly didn't get the point of that discussion and the scenes afterwards. It was sad and shown for a reason.
shareYes, Lauren and Dyson can agree to whatever they want. But Bo is a FREE woman and an arrangement between other characters does not mean anything. IF Bo had said I'll be with Lauren then go back to Dyson when she dies then it would be different.
People always complain that the writers are placating Bo and Lauren shippers. I would say that the talk between Lauren and Dyson were writers way of placating Bo and Dyson shippers. Bo should have said this if it was truly intended to mean anything.
I personally believe no one can speaks for Bo but Bo.
I don't see it that way. Why would Lauren want to be with Bo if she knows when she dies that Bo will just move on with Dyson when Dyson is there now? Who would be ok with that? If Bo doesn't love Dyson anymore, than she doesn't love him. People think that she will run to Dyson when Lauren dies just because Dyson still loves her. It's about Bo's feeling, not Dyson's. Bo doesn't love him anymore.
I like how it ended. It was more realistic considering it's been so long since Bo & Dyson were actually together. People might not like it, but it wasn't as much of a triangle as we thought. It was always Lauren since they first started up. It's been clear for a while now that Bo would either end up alone or with Lauren at this point. It wasn't a shocker.
"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"
I hesitate to speak about the intentions of the writers, since I don't know for sure, but I got the sense they were trying to leave it open ended.
Season 4 has implications that Dyson could both move on with other lovers or end up with Bo.
...I don't know for sure...
That scene between Lauren and Dyson in the last episode was one last bit of shipper service for the Bo/Dyson fans, IMO. It's a pretty minuscule crumb to cling to to claim endgame, but whatever.
shareBo may have said that, but she saw Dyson (as well as Lauren) when the oracles came to her, so he is her heart's desire too.
shareDyson being Fae doesn't mean he will outlive Lauren. Hale is proof that Fae can die just as easily as a human! Bo and Lauren ended up together when the show ended so that makes them endgame, plain and simple!
shareWhat was the purpose of naming your thread "Not homophobic"? You could have named it "Wish Bo had ended up with Dyson" and left it at that.
This series did something that 99.99% of dramatic North American TV series (and absolutely United States-based productions) steer away from: embracing the idea that not being heterosexual is normal. It recognized the three branches of human sexuality: heterosexual/bisexual/homosexual. It treated bisexuality -- which remains a misunderstood orientation within society in general -- with respect. Lost Girl made a statement about sexuality that no other North American TV series before it had ever stood by: who you love is a normal emotion and desire regardless of that person's sex. Lost Girl did away with the tropes about bisexuality: "depravity", "it's a temporary stage until the right opposite sex comes along", "it's ok as long as it's not too much", etc. It did away with the tropes about lesbians: "self-doubt", "conflicted about family obligations", "prey on straight women", "all butch", "all lipstick femmes", "succumb to sex with a male", "destined to be unhappy", "destined to die or be killed", etc.
Having Bo and Lauren be the endgame romantic couple breaks the TV mold.
In the entire history of North American television there have been hundreds of series where "Boy Gets Girl" at the end. How many can you name where "Girl Gets Girl" at the end?
If you cannot accept an occasional exception to the heteronormative rule, you're not homophobic -- you're stuck in time.
As for Dyson and Bo getting together sometime in the future when Lauren has died:
How many hammers does it take to get it through the head that Bo was no longer attracted romantically to Dyson. Sex does not equal love. Needing to have sex with Dyson because she needed to chi-feed from the sex energy did not mean Bo was "in love" with him. Bo loves Dyson, yes. Like she loves a dear friend. The series made it explicitly clear over and over again that the "Bo and Dyson" of Season 1 was over. The dialog between Bo and Oracle Dyson in episode 5x07 (Here Comes the Night) put it to rest once and for all:
when Oracle Dyson told Bo that "You chose me first for a reason. Everything we've gone through, everything we've sacrificed. That was love. And it's still there. It doesn't go away." Bo (not knowing it was an Oracle Dyson) replied to Dyson: "No, it doesn't. But it changes."
Whatever its failings, and there have been many in the overall storyline, I will always admire Lost Girl for having the guts to break from convention.
Who is to say it won't change again? Clearly the scenes in the finale paved the way for the future. Bo could fall in love with him all over again, after all the love is still there and she admitted this. I think it is pretty clear that after the finale that Lauren is her right now and Dyson is her end game.
shareYou believe what you want to see because you're dead set on seeing Bo be with Dyson. But that's not what the people who created the show decided. And they made it clear that gears had been changed.
There is no "future" this and that. The series is done. It's over. Anything you pull out of it beyond the last period in the last sentence is pulling imaginary rabbits out of an imaginary hat.
(Btw ... since you like to dwell in an imaginary future that fits what you prefer to see ... what makes you think that Lauren will not develop a formula for longevity that will not be harmful to her? What if she is able to extend her life for, say, another 200 years? Lauren the Scientist will always exist in the story of Lost Girl. The end of the series left the Fae world in transition. Dyson said to Dagny: "We're fighting to change some old rules. So that one day, no Fae will ever have to choose." What if Dyson falls in love with a human? What if Dyson is killed somewhere down the road? Fae are not immortal. 'Bo and Dyson will be together when Lauren dies' is a one-track mind.)
you are smug and unimaginative. you feel you "won," so you want others to not interpret anything in any way differently.
That would be nice, but at the very last second, if she chose Dyson, that would be weird, plus Dyson has a kid now, he fell in love with someone else, he's basically the Acting Ash of the Grey faction (no light or dark) He's booked. However, whose to say that Dyson and Bo won't be a thing later, after all, they will live for a long time.
shareOne question. Didn't the death of Hale and Trick and Aife and Tamsin prove that the Fea are not immortals ? If they are not immortals then they can die at ANYTIME. Dyson could be hit by a car as he crosses the street (either as a man or a wolf). It's just as likely that Lauren and Kenzi both outlive both Dyson and Bo because they are a hell of a lot smarter then Bo and Dyson.
shareWhose to say that Dyson will live longer than Lauren? He is not immortal. Hale died and he's Fae, so Lauren could very well outlive Dyson or even Bo. Bo and Lauren ended up together at the end, that to me says that they are endgame and not her and Dyson. Let Dyson find someone else to love instead of waiting around for Lauren to die. That is just macabre.