Wildly Unsatisfying...
...If you think an act of ultimate selflessness and love deserves to be honored.
I just finished watching the series finale so these thoughts are fresh and wine-addled. I'm not going to lie, I watched the last 4 seasons of Lost Girl waiting impatiently for Bo to fall in back in love with the person who unwittingly undid himself to give her even the slightest advantage to win in the first major fight for her life. I'm not saying that I thought they would be together when the final curtains closed, I just couldn't imagine that people who get paid to write television for a living would leave such a gaping wound un-mended INDEFINITELY--that they simply wouldn't even try. The Bo, Lauren and Dyson "love triangle" could not have been more isosceles. Only two sides were treated as equal and Wolfie got the short end of that stick.
AND NO. It's not enough that Dyson and Bo had gobs of meaningless sex. Is that supposed to make me feel better?
In fact, whenever they did have sex (especially after Dyson regained his ability to love) it felt cruel and cheap. When I finally stopped hoping to see even the briefest fulfillment of their one-time love (a love I bought into completely--I mean, watch him kiss her at the end of S1 Ep2), I moved onto a whole new realm of disappointment by hoping that Dyson would actually move on, for gods' sake. But NO, with every episode he continued his doomed love spiral and we watched as Bo's affections for him shifted from soulmate-passionate-lover, to sibling-like friend, to condescending pet-owner.
Meanwhile, Lauren and Bo's relationship was just all kinds of unhealthy but, ya know, hooray for boobies.
I understand ratings and I understand what sells, but C'MON! I also understand good plot development. If the love connection Bo and Dyson had at the end of season one (the I-only-choose-one-mate-you've-had-me-for-a-long-time love connection) was even 1/8th of what the writers made it out to be, there is no earthly way those two characters would have ever allowed its possibility to remain forever unexplored. Again, I'm not saying it would have worked out for them. It's the ellipses that I won't ever be able to reconcile...
It would be like if Spike got a soul, returned to Sunnydale and NEVER SPOKE TO BUFFY AGAIN, just 'cause.
Pure insanity. But what do I know? I just have two eyes, one heart and a quarter bottle of merlot left...
Cheers! To Dyson and your utterly worthless sacrifice. xoxo...