Every movie seems to be preachy lately. Is this or is it just Spielberg's ego?
Preachy?! Get the f*ck out of my office.
I am not in your office
So I guess you got the f*ck out then, huh? lol
lol good
Moan moan bloody moan
I didn’t find it preachy at all.
Agreed. One cared about the story more. Whatever preaching there may have been did not get in the way of it. It wasn't in your face in that way, as so many other movies now are.
Not necessarily preachy, but kind of unremarkable. Meh. 🤨
It wasn't preachy, but it was kind of funny how at every chance it got it had to remind you this was a Jewish family
Preachy is the wrong term. I think you meant schmaltzy
Gold, Jerry, gold—— Your line would’ve killed in the Catskills!