I don’t understand why people hated the finale (spoilers)
I see so many people on here and on IMDB saying they loved the season, except the last episode. Well I've got news for you, it wasn't just the last episode that was flawed—all of this season was too, and yet I don't hear people talking about it in the same breath. Here are a few problems that come to mind:
- Matt Caldwell was a one-note asshole, designed for the sole purpose to justify Dexter killing him. Not nuanced in the slightest.
- That deer CGI was garbage, and realistically, a deer would not let a person walk up to it like Dexter did. However, this is a small criticism, as I still found the symbolism to be beautiful if not a little on the nose.
- The only reason Edward Olsen exists is to give audiences another guess as to who the killer of Iron Lake is. Lazy writing considering he never gets utilized again later in the season.
- The soundtrack of the early episodes, in particular Harrison's theme, felt so cheap, like a stock synth was used.
- The pacing of the season felt off. Not much of importance happened in the middle, and then everything happened in the last two episodes.
- The high school kids were similarly one-dimensional, and the writers clearly don’t understand kids of this generation.
- The addition of Debra as Dexter's new Harry was hit or miss; she was mostly there to spell out for the audience Dexter’s inner conflicts. No room for subtlety at all. Her performance was sometimes a bit over-the-top, coming off as annoying.
- All of episode 8 felt like the biggest waste of time ever. It was just Dexter running through the woods. The amount of blood he lost should have rendered him pale and woozy. Not to mention smearing your blood everywhere in that summer camp you think would be a bad idea… considering this show deals with forensics.
- Dexter used etorphine in the original series. NOT ketamine to drug his victims. Not to mention, Dexter said in the original series that the needle should not leave a mark, yet it does in this season.
- Kurt Caldwell as a killer was underutilized and his demise was unsatisfying. There was no real send off for him. The revelation about his motives felt weak. His character was cut short so the writers could tie up loose ends.
Now do these flaws stop me from enjoying this reboot? Hell no. I still found it very entertaining, and I thought conceptually the finale was fitting; it was the most thrilling episode by far, and something of real consequence actually happened. Sure the last episode wasn't perfect, but don't pretend like the rest of the season was amazing, as it simply wasn't. I’m surprised people found the finale to be bad because it had the same issues the rest of the season did. These are my thoughts.