MovieChat Forums > Hop (2011) Discussion > The first Human Easter Bunny?...... crap...

The first Human Easter Bunny?...... crap.

Really... why most people think that movies for children have to be ridiculous and retarded?. This is one of that movies that only exploit a handful of jokes about a certain theme, put some SFX and that is it, there is no real plot or realistic timeline, there is just absurd situations that force one joke after another and they don’t even make it right. Playboy?, come on! stupid reference for a joke in a children’s movie and there is drugs "jokes" too, this movie is just crap, I don’t want my children watch movies just because there is something cute in it, or have them laughing like idiots, I want them to learn something, to develop their minds at least a little.


Welcome to Hollywood.


guess what? it's up to you to teach your kids, not the entertainment field, not a bunch of stupid cartoons. Take your kids out from behind the TV, stop using the TV as your own personal nanny, and don't look towards Hollywood to teach your kids anything. that's your mistake in the first place.
So don't take your kids to see these kinds of movies if you don't want them to just laugh for the sake of laughing. You sound like one of those never fun parents.


Ok, you are some sort of Walter Mercado?, cause im not you know, if i would knew from before that this movie sucked i wouldn’t have taken my kid to see it, that excuse you wrote it’s just obvious everybody knows that, im just sharing my opinion about this kind of dumb movies not blaming Hollywood. Never fun parents?, come on don’t be silly don’t take this personal but in that case you sound like many of those always dumb laugh parents that end up raising douchebags, good luck with that.


My my look how the OP got all flustered and decided to make it personal anyways over a kid's movie and name called, good example for your kid, I guess he did learn something after all.



I'm not taking it personally. You however did: I said "judging on your response to this movie, that you sound like a no fun parent". You took it to a whole other level.
Pathetic response to my post.


If you think this movie is not suitable for your kids, I can only imagine how much fun your kids have with you around. They will be begging to leave home as soon as they are old enough to since clearly you are just too overprotective.

This movie is excellent for kids but just because its a kid's movie, doesn't mean it has to be educational. Hop definitely wasn't made to impart any message to kids but to entertain them. And compared to what young kids talk about in school these days, the jokes in this movie had nothing on it.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin

