Fred's parents? Candy? Magic?
So, I was watching this film for the second time today, and I couldn't help but notice a small plot error.
Fred's parents, particularly his father, treat him like a bum, a nutcase, etc.
Even at the end of the film, Fred's father acts as though Fred's insane. He doesn't believe his son's story about being the new Easter Bunny until he sees the sleigh being led by the chicks, as I suppose any rational person would.
My question is... well, whether or not they believe Fred is in fact the Easter Bunny... they must believe in some sort of "magical force." The only reason I say this is because... how else would they explain where Fred and his sisters were getting candy from all those years?
I guess what it boils down to is... how aware are the parents of any of this?
I'm sure I'm over thinking this film, but any input would be greatly appreciated.