Hop, One Man's Journey With Mental Illness.
That's all.
Best comment about this silly ass movie yet.
Yes, this movie is painfully overtly racist. Anyone who cannot or will not see that is in deep, very deep denial. Probably over privileged and white or so economically well off they don't want to "rock the boat" on their good fortune or all of the above. (By the way, racism is not a mental illness.. I am not saying it is. It is a learned and accepted behavior.. accepted by inferior beings who insist on their own inferiority. Rise above it, people! Rise above! Racism is also the largest and longest running con game there is in the history or humanity. Think about it.)
And this movie is also just sheer lunacy. Makes no sense at all. Horrible script, irresponsibly inaccurate, an insult to Chinese, Latinos in general and... wait for it... white people.
That's right. I said white people.
If I were white, I would be dammed pissed about this movie like other movies once again representing me as an ignorant, over privileged, willfully ignorant, beyond unsympathetic and insensitive, ass hole who has no sense of humanity left to speak of.
Just saying.
If an idiot were to tell you the same story every day for a year, you would end by believing it. HM
What's wrong with you? I seriously hope you take your medication. Racism? How far fetched thinking delusional person are you? What movie were you watching? The bunny has an England accent the parent bunnies have it as well. The chicks are white accent. And you claim racism. It's a kids movie not a history lesson. Your projecting racism in this movie based on what? A brown bunny befriends a white man child?