People make this out to be the worst movie ever, it is far from that. It's got a few laughs in there. Not calling this a great comedy/movie, but it was worth a watch. I was entertained. Plus Gary the neighbor was funny. I forget the actors name.
I agree with Jets.... This film makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it. Yes, it's very gross/poor taste... But it's a Happy Madison production! It's hilarious! I'm shocked this film is only pulling a rating of 3.something... I'll take this comedy over "Something About Mary" any day of the week! Plus... Christina Ricci is SO cute!
I definitely got some laughs out of it - funnier than many comedies with far higher ratings. I don't get the low rating here - I give it about a 6.5. And yes, Ricci is extremely beautiful as always.
I think people have to "get" the humor of the Bucky character. If you don't get the humor of him, the movie would really bore you. Like when he says his bowl cut makes him look like Brad Pitt, Swardson's ridiculous delivery of the line, even though the jokes in the movie are a little weak, his performance makes them funny, but only if you "get" the character. I think casting Don Johnson was a mistake though, he had no comedic instincts whatsoever. Like when he was talking to his assistant and said something like "just get the mother fu**ing thing!". Since there were few real jokes in the movie, something like that line is supposed to be funny. If you are going to rely on non-jokes to make people laugh, then you need a funny performance to carry them. He should have done a slow burn on that like John Goodman in Big Lebowski "We're scattering the FU**ING ASHES". Instead he just rushed the line and the delivery had no humor. Adam Sandler movies have always relied on strange performances rather than actual constructed jokes I think. Like Billy Madison, there really aren't many actual jokes in it. The humor comes from the bizarre performances turned in by the actors. You really can't get more bizarre than Swardson's performance in this, so in that respect this was a pretty good Happy Madison movie. First Sandler movie I've actually enjoyed since the good ol' Billy Madison/Happy Gilmore/Waterboy days.
Saw it last night on Starz and kindof liked it. Felt sorry for him, but he did come out the winner. Kindof glad he didn't get his teeth fixed, they were his 'logo'. A kindof a strange feel good movie.