MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of New Jersey (2009) Discussion > Binge watching, because I Caved --- on S...

Binge watching, because I Caved --- on S4E17

I am watching the particular episode where it's the last night on the Napa Vay-Cay and Kathy is trying to get through to Tre about Caroline, Jacqueline and everyone else that has gone against her in the last 1.7 years. Kathy shouldnt had gotten involved. She doesnt know 1 quarter of what has happened or what has gone on with her relationships prior to her joining the cast. She needs to worry about her own relationship between her and Tre 1st before thinking she could mend others.

Teresa admitted that she knew Caroline & others could hear her, plus nothing bad was said really. I thought Melissa should have stepped in or tried to speak up in case Teresa tried to say something bad. Teresa apologized and apologized to Caroline. She wants no part of it. before Kath and Mel joined the cast, Caroline had no problem with Teresa!! She never said she wasnt two faced or caused fights between people. Teresa always had her back and Dina's and Jacqueline's. Dina is Audriana's Godmother!!! Caroline never said she lied....I think Melissa was guilty of some of the things being said about her. Teresa was clearly jealous of Mel. She missed her brother and i think Melissa was immature and jealous of how close they were and wanted to know everything about her husband that she only knew for 11 months at the alter.

No one should ever get involved with family issues. granted they were hearing Teresa's side, but from episode 1 of Melissa you could see how what Teresa was saying was true. Mel and Kathy went behind her back and got on th show. id be upset too!! id feel like they have a motive and we arent on best of terms and they could ruin my reputation and everything ive worked for.

What Teresa said about Melisa about her in her cookbook wd wrong, but it was written way before they were trying to make up. And i dont think what she said about Caroline was THAT bad! but Teresa should have spoke to her. and i dont think Teresa really meant any harm. she loved Caroline! she put a great picture of them in her book together. i think Caroline should had taken it with a grain of salt!

Teresa did eff up about the tabloids. she said she was making money and said it over and over...then lied and said she wasnt getting paid. that killed her credit-ability.
