Teresa, Kathy, and Rosie
Why is there so much anger and hate between them? I've watched Jersey on and off, but I could not understand why they have such animosity with them. Is there some family history between their parents?
shareWhy is there so much anger and hate between them? I've watched Jersey on and off, but I could not understand why they have such animosity with them. Is there some family history between their parents?
shareIs there some family history between their parents?
^^^This. I also think Kathy's husband fuels the fire as well.
shareIt's also been put out there that they soley came on the show to "take Teresa down." Nice cousins.
shareThat's BS! Tre feels everyone's out to get her because her mind is bent more than any psycho out there! She has a selective memory and never takes responsibility for drama that occurs; like Melissa and that stripper scene a couple years ago! She even tried to turn it on Jackie saying maybe she was making her look bad! I think a doctor should be called with a straight-jacket at the ready!
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It's not BS, it's pretty much what happened. The Wakiles and Gorgas did initially want to take the Giudices down. Then of course, the Manzos and Lauritas had to jump on the bandwagon. This show went from bad (the everyone hates Danielle years) to worse (the everyone hates Teresa years).
"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy
I'm gonna use Teresa's analogy. She is a cancer to anyone around her. She has no sense of responsibility for her actions and always blames someone else. She says horrible things about people yet she's always the victim. It's sickening and they should've dropped her once she went to prison! I'm sick of hearing about "camp".
shareTre delusions run deep!
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I agree, she's always come off as very territorial about the show, and was unhappy to hear that the Gorgas, Wakilis and Rosie were coming on. I remember her saying that Bravo didn't let her know before hand about the Gorgas joining the cast.
Teresa can be very threatened and dog in the manger about anyone having something good happen to them.
I read that Kathy and Rosie's father somehow assisted Mr Gorga Senior when he immigrated from Italy, and that he felt slighted because the Gorgas were able to attain some financial success here, and he felt his brother in law owed him.
There seems to have been a lot of fighting in their family, but, the fact is, Teresa was cast on the show first, long before anyone else in her family was approached. For some reason they seem to have the mentality that if one family member is successful they should drag the rest along. Kathy and Rosie simply do not attract enough ratings on their own unless there is some kind of drama involving Teresa.