MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of New Jersey (2009) Discussion > Your grade for how Teresa handled Kathy ...

Your grade for how Teresa handled Kathy and Rosie?

I caught this past episode and I saw that Teresa actually lost the Watch What Happens poll, 40% to 60% in favor of Kathy and Rosie.

But I have to say I think she handled them well, especially in comparison to how Housewives usually handle these kind of situations. She didn't curse anyone out, she didn't bad-mouth them behind their backs, she was cordial but not fake to their faces and in fact avoided them until they practically begged her to meet. When she met, she was honest but not mean or hurtful. She told them clearly, "you're my family, I love you, but I am not ready to include you in my inner circle again. I have too much going on and I can't deal with anyone who I feel might not mean well." She rightfully called out Kathy's husband who for whatever reason seems to despise her but she stopped the conversation before it devolved into another pizzing match. They left on a decent note: "if you need me, I'm here, but we are not going to be chummy right now." I think that was fair and respectful. And you could tell that even though she seemed somewhat stoic in the meeting, she was still emotional and still cared for them because she cried on the way out.

Honestly, I don't know how much better she could have handled the whole thing. She could have been a lot nastier given that she views her cousins as snakes, but she wasn't. She could have easily escalated the situation, but chose to de-escalate it, similar to the way she handled Jacqueline a few episodes ago. Juxtapose her behavior with how Caroline treated her. She was VICIOUS and hard and merciless! Or how Tamra from OC treated Gretchen back in the day. Or how Shannon treated Vickie. There is a way you can cut off someone in a way that both lets them get the message but doesn't degrade your character. You can be respectful even if you feel the person doesn't deserve it. It's not really about the other person, its' about you. I think Teresa's behavior towards the cousins spoke highly of her character, she has matured A LOT emotionally it seems to me. I give her an A on how she handled the cousins. What grade would you give? Just curious if anyone else saw it the way I did...

"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." -- Judge Judy


Teresa needs to practice the zen she preaches!
Teresa needs to forgive and let go of the anger. Until she does, she will continue to be miserable


I thought Teresa handled it well too. I don't blame her one bit for not wanting anything to do with them. They were jealous of her for being on the show and they got on the show just to cause drama and try to pee on her parade, much like her brother and his wife. Her family is a bit triflin' and I kind of feel sorry for her. I would be devastated if my family was so envious of me and my success that they would find a way to become a part of what I was doing so they could publicly $hit on me. I can understand Teresa eventually forgiving her brother and Melissa because that is her immediate family. Contrary to popular opinion on this board I think Teresa is actually quite a forgiving person after all the funky crap her family has pulled on her. If it was me I probably would've permanently cut them ALL out of my life along time ago.


A- It went much smoother than I would have thought!!


I think she handled it well. Kathy is passive aggressive and never calls out her husband for any of the rude things he says. Even when Joe Gorga called him out, he denied it at first, and Kathy said nothing. Rosie constantly flies off the handle, then thinks she can just say sorry and it will all be okay.

The only reason Kathy got on the show and still appears on the show was because of Teresa. She has absolutely no story line, which is why she can't get Teresa's name out of her mouth. She was asked not to speak about Teresa's legal problems, then Richie brings it up at a dinner, putting Kathy's mom in a tough spot.

She did tell them they are still family, she just needs distance. If they really want to mend things, maybe they should contact Teresa when the cameras are not rolling.


I am not a Teresa fan... at all. As in not even a little bit. As in, I'm pissed bravo has made this franchise the Teresa show so much so they put the show on hiatus while she was on hiatus and I think they should have either scrapped NJ or recast completely.

That said... Teresa did well.

Also, I think its very telling that neither Rosie nor Kathie for all of their wanting to get past things, couldn't even write her when she was in prison. Plus, I found it distasteful that they televised their reactions when her sentenced was announced when Joe & Melissa had the good taste to keep that private. They come off as a little disingenuous to me when they talk about wanting things to go back to how they were but they only do it when the cameras are rolling.

So, considering how fake they're being, I change my mind... Teresa did an exceptional job.


I am not a Teresa fan... at all. As in not even a little bit. As in, I'm pissed bravo has made this franchise the Teresa show so much so they put the show on hiatus while she was on hiatus and I think they should have either scrapped NJ or recast completely.


Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


I give her an A+. This is a confrontation that she did NOT want to do but obviously had to for the Bravo cameras. It was nice to see her brother finally backing her up, too Sometimes I cannot stand him but in this ep I actually admired his loyalty towards his sister (Melissa too!)


I give her an A plus as well. Rosie and Kathy are not very nice people. I agree that Kathy is passive aggressive and Rosie is usually just plain old aggressive. They befriended the Manzos when they knew how much Caroline despised Teresa and had no problem with attacking Teresa every chance they got. Another poster said that Kathy is like one of those kids in school who befriends the mean girls and decides to bully and harass the unpopular kid because it's the cool thing to do. I totally agree. I really don't like Kathy, I think she's a nasty person who gets others (Rosie and Richie) to say what she's thinking, while she comes up smelling like roses.

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy


I really don't like Kathy, I think she's a nasty person who gets others (Rosie and Richie) to say what she's thinking, while she comes up smelling like roses.


Quoted for truth!


I will say this for Teresa's discussion with her cousins: at least she didn't flip a table and use the phrase "prostitution whore" at the dinner.




I just think here is so much stupid crap they have done we have not seen.

And why are they not allowed to talk about how Melissa got on the show?

Dina "you wouldn't have gotten on the show if.... oh sorry I lost my train of thought". 6th reunion.

Teresa did great. And I hate that Richie is allowed to be on the show at all. He is vile.
