Teresa and Melissa's brokered peace

Whether or not the brokered peace between Teresa and Melissa is real, I give them props for the way they stuck together and refused to be dragged into Jaqueline's obviously nefarious agenda. Now they really are acting like family and protecting each other.
A true friend does not continually bring up painful negative things from the past. Jaq is a friend to no one. She is trying to secure her spot on the show, which seems not too solid unless she is stirring up trouble with Teresa.
Jaq sold her soul to the devil.


Jaq is permanently stuck in high school mode. Who was she trying to call to drag into their fight at the table??? Haha @ poor Chris married to that...but I guess it's a way to earn some money. He seems quite stoic.


I'm glad to see Teresa and Melissa getting along. Like it or not they are stuck in each others lives. Its better to find some way to make peace.


I think Melissa is a snake in the grass... However, I like that Teresa and Melissa are on the same side. It just is a much better look all around. Family should stick together and I'm so glad the tables have turned on crazy Jacqueline.

Melissa having Teresa's back makes me like her more. And Teresa needs to do the same for Melissa and get over the past. So far-- so good!
