She's the type of person who has to constantly have drama in her life. Every single season it's been her against somebody. Her own daughter, her in laws, Teresa, the chick from season 1... She has to have someone to focus her time and energy on. If I acted the way she did in public my husband would be so embarrassed and tell me to stop.. Not encourage it. Chris is just as messed up as she is to condone her behavior constantly.
Haha, right MBee!? She is so bored in her life or unhappy that she has to create drama and confrontation around her. And I dont think it's for the show, and to "stay relevant" (although, she seems like a famewhore, and when Caroline wasnt having her on their show...she had to go back), like when Tamra created drama with Alexis and lies and Andy called her out. She almost got booted off the show. Nooo, no, Jacqueline is different. She has drama because she would be in everyones business, and talking with everyone, which means what??? More camera time!!!
Also, I was going to start a thread on her son, Nicholas and I apologize if I offend anyone. There was a post a few years back questioning Jac about her son. Now, I dont know if he has Autism or not, but what I DO know is what I saw and what I saw [since the season they came out with his "diagnosis"] is a typical 2 year old. I have a God daughter, she is #2 of 4 kids. For the 1st part of her life she could not hear properly. They had to put tubes in her ears finally. But because of this it slowed down her motor skills, and slowed down her ability to speak properly. She would throw her arms up and yell to get her way, because she didnt know how to use her words. Well they got 3 opinions, and 1 said Autism and the other 2 said she needs tubes and this will help her because she is not hearing clearly. They only way she felt she could communicate was to cry, scream and throw her arms everywhere.
This little girl dances to her own beat. And so does Nick. It wouldnt surprise me if in a couple years we hear "Its a miracle!! We cured autism! He has progressed and now he's diagnosed as having A.D.H.D. and dyslexia..." or they will say "He was misdiagnosed as a child..blah blah blah". Maybe he ha a form of Asperger syndrome, which is a condition on the autism spectrum, with generally higher functioning. Communication training and behavioral therapy can help people with the syndrome learn to socialize more successfully. So, I wonder if they went to multiple Drs for their opinion or if they just took what the 1st Dr told them and ran with it. Do they know what spectrum he's in? Will he reach the age of 6 and stay in that mentality? Will he need constant care for the rest of his life? Or will he be able to take care of himself?
I mean, I know she was probably being authentic in the beginning, but when I saw him on TV for Season 5, he was around 2-3 yrs old. I thought he acted like a typical 2-3 yr old. His face looks like Chris, and his eyes. Chris eyes look droopy or like he's high lol. And $60k a year for 1 child to be taken care of who has Autism? I dont think thats right. However, shes buying and trying every gimmick and trick others have experienced. I think when Parenthood Magazine wanted to use her as their voice and do an internet blog about her experience is when she saw this as her platform, and way to stay relevant in the show.
BrandiStarBright, I'm no expert but I know a few things. Even in a baby as young as two months you can sometimes wonder if autism is there. Babies normally make eye contact, and cry for affection, not just a bottle. A baby who doesn't want to look in your eyes, and is content to lie there all day and only fusses when it's bottle or boob time, is already showing hints that s/he may have autism. Peek a boo is also an important developmental stage. A child with autism will not be interested in that game, because first you have to CARE that the other person is there, before they "disappear", and a baby with autism may not care in the first place. Like I said I'm no expert, but I know it can be identified at a young age.
DonutLover, I dont disagree with you, I think you can tell at a young age, however he doesnt seem like hes on the "extreme" spectrum. My goddaughter has done a lot of the things he has done, but sometimes that's just kids being kids. She is now 7 and she has improved tremendously with speech therapy. I guess Id have to see more than 2 mins of him, and that's solid 2 mins. not just glimpse of him in the scene.
Uugh jaq is gross and her hubby is even More gross for being with her. I dont blame teresa for not wanting to be friends with that Lunatic. Its trur she Loooves drama! I swear she Needs to make everything Dramatic! If i were yelling like that out in public my husband would me Mortified! Not sit there all quiet like a weirdo. Why does he let her act crazy and loud like that!!