MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of New Jersey (2009) Discussion > Dolores' ex has paid her way all these y...

Dolores' ex has paid her way all these years?

So, Dolores has been divorced for years, yet her ex continued to pay all her bills as if they were still married? Why? I'm sure he would have had to pay court-ordered child support, but why is he still supporting Dolores? Is this normal in their Italian culture? I know they've said that Italians rarely divorce; but is this what happens when they do? Surely, not all Italian ex-husbands could afford (or would feel obligated) to support two households.


Could partially be alimony? Or since he can afford to and his kids still live in the house with Delores, he is just being a nice guy?


Yeah, I wondered if NJ has alimony. Even if part of his obligation is alimony and child support, he does seem to go beyond that, too. On one episode, Dolores said that she never sees the bills, because her ex pays all of them for her. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Plus, when she wanted a kitchen remodel, she had certain demands. Surely, not many ex's would even contribute a blender to a kitchen remodel; let alone what she got. How does she have the right to demand anything at all? I wish they would have given more of an explanation. The only thing I can think of is a very detailed pre-nup in her favor or his culture holds him to the marriage obligations for life, even if there's a divorce. Her ex is a lawyer, so you wouldn't expect her to make out so well in a pre-nup.


Yea, it is definitely a weird situation.


and yet she claimed recently that she is a "single mom."


I guess she gets to say that on a technicality, but I know all the struggling single moms who can barely get their ex's to pay child support are wondering how they can get in on this deal where her ex still takes care of everything and she doesn't have to worry about how many double shifts she'll have to work to pay this month's bills.


Why don't any of these pigs have real jobs?!


I agree, and the answer is they have no skills beyond living off their husbands, etc.


Her ex is a shady New Jersey lawyer so most likely he has her name entangled in stuff and wants to keep her calm and happy.


I took it as because he's a lawyer or accountant or whatever, he HANDLES her finances. He doesn't literally pay her bills with his own money. I think he just gets everything taken care of for her. I'd also assume that he has helped pay for school, etc. for the kids.
