The Holocaust? Seriously?

With all due respect, this is not a show that I want to see something so heavy on. It's a Sunday night, mindless, trashy reality show!
Come on!
Siggy does not belong on this show. Her scenes are BORING! Not only that, but that Delores has the exact same needy mother storyline!
Go away.
I'd rather have Danielle Staub. Seriously no joke.


...and how long have they lived there to wait this long? Idiotic! This would be like me living in Amsterdam for 10 years and when someone visiting, then take them to "Ann Frank House" because I'd never been there! 

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Ugh, yes, very true. Siggy needs to go away and take Delores with her.
I literally fast forwarded through every single of their boring a$$ scenes.
They need to go.


I do the same. They're are both tiresome and add nothing to the show.


Agree!! Siggy's kids are teenagers and she is just now teaching their family history?! I thought Siggy would keep things honest and real on the show, but she may be the phoniest of all of them.
Super disappointing.


Siggy needs a punch in the face. I hate how she, who has nothing herself to do with the actual Holocaust, was so flippant about her parents being survivor. BISH, they didn't survive because they karate chopped Nazi. They survived on pure luck. Her parents who lived through it are humbler than her.


It was so boring. The oversaturation of the Holocaust on TV shows is getting annoying. It's also super triggering for the survivors who are alive.


It's also super triggering for the survivors who are alive.

I get this, I really do, but I love hearing the stories and history of it. I just recently finished a book (The Book of Harlan by Bernice L. McFadden) that touched on the interment of African-Americans and their survival of the concentration camps, which made it even more poignant for me. The story Siggy's father told can never be captured properly in a book and to hear it puts names, faces, and emotion to it that the rest of us will never hear, know or feel.

However, as Fiero said, it would be like living there all your life and never taking the time to experience it and learn about your family history. I know that the Pope went to Auschwitz a while back and I watched the video of him praying and walking through the gates and it was gut-wrenching. Imagine what the sweet souls that lived and died there went through.

May I also mention how disrespectful I thought it was for her son to perch his ass on that memorial stone throughout that whole scene? That riled me to no end.

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


One more thing, and maybe Siggy did not mean it the way it sounded to me. She said something about the importance of her children learning their Jewish history. Well, there is SO much more to Jewish history than the Holocaust. That is the particularly horrible part. Is she also teaching them about the great Jewish composers (Mahler), scientists (we all know who), writers, teachers, leaders etc??? To me it sounded a little strange, but it might just be me.

A simple mind is a tidy mind.


I think that is an excellent point. I try to teach African-American children that though we are descendants of slaves, our people were not slaves before being brought here. They, too, were teachers, chiefs, doctors, lawyers, kings, queens, ministers, builders, scientists, musicians and much more. Being kidnapped doesn't mean you weren't amazing.

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


That is excellent that you do that, Ysis! You are teaching the right things to those students. Keep up the good work!

A simple mind is a tidy mind.


That is excellent that you do that, Ysis! You are teaching the right things to those students. Keep up the good work!

Ysis, that is wonderful- I love that you do that !!

Thank you both so much for that encouragement. To be fair, though, you two are a couple of nuts who are just crazy enough to look for and find some good in anything and everything. Don't ever change. 

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.




Ysis, that is wonderful- I love that you do that !! 😊👍👏


Oversaturation of the Holocaust? How would that be possible? Each generation must be taught what was done to more than six million people during the worst of our history. Countries the world over stood by and did nothing to stop that madman and his soldiers. The horrors can never be contained in one TV show, or a single book.

Boring? I'll bet a lot of folks are still eager to know what became of their beloved family members. I am certain they would never call it boring. I am not Jewish and to my knowledge I didn't lose a relative in the Holocaust. Stil I pray for the souls of those men, women and children who were led to their cruel and untimely deaths.

A lot of folks get in touch with their family hustory, or learn more about their faith as they grow older. NATURALLY they want to share with others, especially their children.

Perhaps one doesn't find RHONJ the proper forum for discussion of the Holocaust. It's supposed to be reality TV. What is more real than this? One could have changed the channel or fast forwarded the DVR.

Wow. I am astonished that anyone would diminish the impact and the tragedy of the Holocaust by calling it boring or oversaturated.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


DarlaKDavis I agree that calling the holocaust "boring" is pretty out there. Uh, nothing could be less boring, or disturbing. It's well documented, and should be. Unfortunately there are other horrors that are not so documented and remembered. Cambodia, Russia during and after World War 2, Cultural Revolution in China.....lot's of stuff. Too sad to think about for too long.

Countries the world over stood by and did nothing to stop that madman and his soldiers.

The only reason I wanted to respond to that sentence is to say that the rest of the world was very distracted, as they were at war. I know that if I were a parent (American, British, French) during WW2, and my son, sons or husband were off fighting, that would be my first concern. Making sure that MY family was okay. I think that's how most people thought. And, the Germans did a pretty good job of hiding what they were doing, from the world. It was a terrible time, and the most evil of people took full advantage of it.

A simple mind is a tidy mind.


DonutLover, I wasn't writing in reference to individual citizens. The countries' governments knew what was going on. Over time, they were informed about the annihilation of the Jews, and of course others who were decimated by Hitler.

Yes, there are others horrors and atrocities before and after WWII and what Hitler did, but the subject here was the Holocaust and that is what I addressed.

I don't know if I would say the rest of the world was distracted, but they certainly were involved around the globe. Many of Germany's non-Jewish citizens didn't know what was "really" happening to the Jews.

My point, and I do have one, is that many countries closed their borders to Jewish people when they tried to escape the death trains and camps. To close your door to one in such dire need is despicable.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


I read the “Keeping It Real” blog on the Jewish Journal. The writer mentioned that Siggy’s father is a renowned Holocaust scholar. Here is a list of the books he’s written which are on Amazon:

More info:

I don't know if that has already been mentioned here, but I thought it was pretty interesting.


Thank you for the references. I am no scholar, but I am fairly well read about the Holocaust. I will put your references to use.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


I read the “Keeping It Real” blog on the Jewish Journal. The writer mentioned that Siggy’s father is a renowned Holocaust scholar. Here is a list of the books he’s written which are on Amazon:

That's interesting. I wonder why Siggy didn't mention that, or did she? Seems like something she would feel so proud about and talk a lot about.

Previously known as sammy2005
member since 2005


Agree with almost every thread. Paint dry boring... in Amsterdam and not going to Ann Franks.. fabricated drama.. fast fwd.. take Delores and take Siggy.. UP UP and AWAy@! 


Agree with almost every thread. Paint dry boring... in Amsterdam and not going to Ann Franks.. fabricated drama.. fast fwd.. take (2 FACED) Delores and take Siggy.. UP UP and AWAy@! 
