Teresa's kids

Why on Earth does she allow them to speak to her like that? It has nothing to do with Joe being away either. They have always been so disrespectful towards her. They need to be checked real quick.

I wish IMDB had a like button.


They need professional help - ALL of them. Even before they had their legal issues those kids were not right.


I agree its so sad.

I wish IMDB had a like button.


Kids learn what they live. Their mother is an a$$hole and that's what it looks like some of them are turning into.


Are people deaf? Listen to how Joe speaks to them; probably worse while Tre locked up! I'm surprised the drama isn't worse; kids have a knack for knowing when to act out! So far, so good for the most part! 

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


You're so right, kids live what they learn at home. Their born blank slates. We teach them foul language, racism, manipulation, elitist behavior, homophobia, bad manners at home or in school. No parent is perfect but damnnnn this bunch of narcissistic a-holes actually threw a party for a convicted felon heading off to jail. What message does that send the kids? They could have said goodbye to Dad w/o a party. As if the kids don't know Joes headed for jail. Geez thosr kids aren't dumb despite having dumbass Teresa and Joe for parents.


TOTALLY agree. We saw Milania get sent to her room, sneak out the window and come back outside, and they don't do anything.

I don't think all of the kids are that way, though. There's one...and I can't remember what her name is at the moment...she is so quiet. You hardly ever hear her say anything. It's mostly Milania and Gia that are on the smart-mouth side. But it doesn't surprise me. Teresa seems to be more interested in being the "cool", buddy-type of mom than actual mom. They have watched their parents be idiots, and they live such an indulgent lifestyle. They're cartoon characters.


You're thinking of Gabriela (Gabriella?) she's 2nd. Doesn't really look like either honestly. Has more blondish hair. Im part Italian with blonde hair but I got it from my dads side. My sister has olive colored skin, brown hair and brown eyes.

Gabriela was shown more this season. The morning Teresa's making breakfast Gabriela is at her soccer game.

Audriana or Adriana is the youngest. She seems to follow in Milania's footsteps Lol


I see what you mean, but also think everything is not as it seems. It is difficult to get a clear view of their family life from what is edited on the show. Obviously they put the more outrageous moments on tv. No kid is perfect, and one family's paradigm is completely different than the next. I was fairly strict with my kids but my daughter was very strong willed, and I'm sure plenty of people thought she was a brat, and she has grown up to be a smart, generous, wonderful person. I'm reserving any and all judgement on the Giudice kids.
