Melissa is confused

She's not a designer. She just buys for her store. What the hell was with her crying speech?! Lol she's so stupid


Thinking of her dad who's dead is why she was crying. Just b/c she's not a designer doesnt mean this isnt a big deal for her.


I don't think it's nearly as hard as she pretends it is. I've actually owned a clothing boutique and I'll tell you right now, she doesn't know the real hardship of what that entails. Not even close.


So because you've owned a clothing boutique you know about every clothing boutique and they all must be as easy as yours. Oh I see


There's nothing easy about it. That's my point.


Her father and apparently you know how people are suppose to feel!?
We could...we could belong together...ARTPOP


Melissa is as dumb as a box of rocks.


She's going to spend the rest of her life trying to impress her husband.


I wondered if I missed something and if she designed those clothes. I thought she just opened a store. So my question is why would you have a fashion show like that if you had nothing to do with designing the clothes? Goofy.


That was my thought too. Why have a fashion show for some other person's clothing designs. It's expensive and unnecessary. Unless the designer created those clothes specifically for Melissa's store. Which I have no clue about.


She is promoting her store and the designer's lines she sells.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


I do agree but the crying was over her father so that is a different subject.

But yeah, I don't get the fashion show. She didn't design the clothing, she just owns the store. All of her Envy stuff bugs me. And honestly who can afford the clothes from that store? That's why it's always empty.


I think it's fine that Melissa wants to work outside the home now that her kids are in elementary school, but I get tired of all the "having it all" speeches. There are only 24 hours in every person's day, and if you choose to work outside of the home then that is fine, but you can't say that you are doing it all. Someone else is doing the cooking, cleaning and raising of the kids while you are gone. If you pretend to be doing that as well, it's very invalidating to your nanny/daycare provider, or chef. Instead of "I want to have it all" I wish she would say "I want to do something different now". I miss the days of shows like the Waltons where the work in the home (cooking, gardening, sewing, cleaning) was shown as honorable and just as important as the men's work.

There's nothing wrong with Joe Gorga voicing his opinion that he wanted a home cooked meal. He did come off a bit bad and chauvinistic, but I can see where he was coming from.

A simple mind is a tidy mind.
