Vaako talking about other Furyans
Vaako tells Riddick the story of the Necromongers' battle against the Furyans on planet Furya. He supports the validity of his story by mentioning that a Furyan's eyes whom they fought had eyes just like Riddick's with which he tries to convince Riddick that they were actually on planet Furya. However, Vaako indirectly also means that the Furyan's eyes are like that. But that is not their original eyes. Riddick got those eyes due to not seeing light for 5 years or? So is this a mistake in the movie or is Vaako actually trying to bs Riddick? Other than that, doesn't Riddick know that it is not the Furyan's original eyes? We also see this in TCOR when Riddick sometimes sees the Furyan woman who had normal eyes. So what's up with this when Vaako mentions to Riddick the eyes of the Furyan warrior?