Im so over evil Damon

Every time he flips the switch he kills someone whose friends with Elena.. And they say oh Elena will never forgive you..but she always does..heck before they were even together back when she was with Stefan Damon killed Jeremy (yes..he was wearing the ring, but he didn't know that at the time) and if she could forgive him for killing her brother she could probably forgive anything he does. It seems like each season Damon turns off his humanity..its tiring..from what i remember in all seasons Stefan turned it off twice (once for Klaus to save his brother and again to save carolines humanity) as u can see Stefan only did it to save someone. Other than when he got hooked on human blood but that was cuz he couldn't control it then. I lost count on how many times Damon lost his humanity..and its always the same reason..when he's upset, he kills on when rose died..he liked her she died so he went and killed someone. When Katherine was in elenas body and basically told him she didn't love he went and killed that Whitmore kid. Do you see a pattern here? Maybe this time is different cuz someone is in his mind controlling him..but if ENZO could fight back why not damo
Enzo was trapped for many years he wouldn't be as strong as Damon and yet Enzo fought till the end where he had to make a choice to save bonnie.. And Stefan would have made that same choice (as he did before). I just wish we could get some new villians instead of when they run outta ideas they just make another main character evil again. What are you thoughts?


I agree. I wish the writers would quit making it seem like losing Elena was ever a real possibility because by now we all know it's not. He can do whatever he wants to anyone Elena loves and she'll happily take him back. And like you said, if she could honestly forgive him snapping Jeremy's neck in front her, there's nothing he could do that she wouldn't forgive.


You know what, this may be exactly what my problem is with the writing. There are no stakes anymore. We allll know that Damon will end up happily (married?) to Elena. She's coming back to the show for the finale or however long, and why would they have her return, if not to be with Damon? This isn't Game of Thrones. The characters will most probbaly get their happy endings, no matter how twisted and horribly unearned these endings are. Maybe she'll cry about Tyler for two seconds, and give Damon a half-assed speech about what love means, but within an episode or two, she'll turn back to him and jabber on about how real her love with him is, and how he's her whole world, and his love consumes her yada yada 😷

But as you said, they constantly make Damon do whatever tf he likes, with no real consequences. The best consequence would be losing Elena, forever (or at least, til he actually earns some redemption), but we know he won't because of how Elena was written in seasons 4-6. So, they need to stop this fakeness and just make Elena into someone who doesn't want a good man or ACTUALLY have him lose her.

A rose is just a rose.


Ya that's the problem with these types of shows that go on for more than say, 4 or 5 seasons (like Supernatural). Since it's fantasy there's always some magical or supernatural ways to fix things, so you know if someone dies or goes off the rails, 90% of the time you can count on them coming back.

Unlike shows set in real life where if someone dies you can bet it's for good and it's WAY more impactful. I love fantasy shows but ya, the dramatic impact definitely declines past the 4th/5th season.


Yes I agree. Damon goes evil is getting pretty tiresome. Do you notice that he always go after one of Elena's friends, or someone she knows? When Stefan was the ripper he never killed any of Elena's friends.

But Damon kills someone it's never his fault it's always someone else's fault. That is why I hated when Katherine was dying and they were all sitting around blaming Katherine for everything, even things that Damon had done. Damon talking about Katherine killing Jeremy although he did the same thing. Damon and Matt blamed Katherine for Viki's death. Damon and Stefan killed Viki, Katherine was no where in site and had never even met Viki. Damon killed Lexi, but we never learn why he killed her.

Kades! [/love]


Ya..I think they are just trying to show us what unconditional love Elena will always forgive Damon she loves him just the way he is..BUT CMON ELENA.. What if Damon killed bonnie or caroline? Would Elena be so forgiving then? know what..she probably would. Honestly I don't like how any of these vampires flip their switch then when they have humanity back they go on about their the human lives they took meant nothing..the only time we ever saw remorse was from Elena after she turned her humanity back on.


Damon killed Lexi because he felt guilty for the way he treated her. She was a walking guilt trip they said at one point.
