Im so over evil Damon
Every time he flips the switch he kills someone whose friends with Elena.. And they say oh Elena will never forgive you..but she always does..heck before they were even together back when she was with Stefan Damon killed Jeremy (yes..he was wearing the ring, but he didn't know that at the time) and if she could forgive him for killing her brother she could probably forgive anything he does. It seems like each season Damon turns off his humanity..its tiring..from what i remember in all seasons Stefan turned it off twice (once for Klaus to save his brother and again to save carolines humanity) as u can see Stefan only did it to save someone. Other than when he got hooked on human blood but that was cuz he couldn't control it then. I lost count on how many times Damon lost his humanity..and its always the same reason..when he's upset, he kills on when rose died..he liked her she died so he went and killed someone. When Katherine was in elenas body and basically told him she didn't love he went and killed that Whitmore kid. Do you see a pattern here? Maybe this time is different cuz someone is in his mind controlling him..but if ENZO could fight back why not damo
Enzo was trapped for many years he wouldn't be as strong as Damon and yet Enzo fought till the end where he had to make a choice to save bonnie.. And Stefan would have made that same choice (as he did before). I just wish we could get some new villians instead of when they run outta ideas they just make another main character evil again. What are you thoughts?