MovieChat Forums > The Vampire Diaries (2009) Discussion > What did Damon do that makes him deserve...

What did Damon do that makes him deserve redemption?

Stefan too for that matter.
All they've both really done is meet and fall in love with super hot teenage girls. That's not something anyone would find hard to do, it's more of a reward than anything.
They've still killed people when they were mad or sometimes just depressed, and the only people they protect are friends and family most of the time so really, what makes them so forgivable and worthy of redemption?
If you go into Mystic Falls and you don't know Damon or Stefan personally you're going to die, maybe even at their hands depending on their current mood. Heck, even if you do know them your odds of surviving only go up a little.

Yeah, I know this is a supernatural drama about vampires and I still like it but I just find this funny.


Damon has done nothing to deserve redemption, but he pleases Elena, that is reason enough apparently.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


There was a time where I wanted it to end with


But now I wish Elena wakes up,can't remember anything,is back at the time she was with Matt and ends up with him because
1)She died for him
2)Seeing him get hurt is the only thing that brought back her humanity


My list once looked like this except for Matt. After Katherine's death I thought either Rebekah or Caroline were great for Stefan.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


Mine was


and Matt with any super hot girl .. to make up for the crap *beep* life he has/had.


Yep. You nailed it.


What makes any of them deserve redemption? Stefan and Damon have been supernatural since 1864, Enzo since?
Caroline for a few years Elena for less.
If Stefan and Damon don't deserve redemption. Why do Elena, killed a waitress, Caroline , a guy working at the carnival also, twelve witches and Bonnie killed the warlocks.
After 70 years in a cage I get Enzo wanting to kill people the most, but you can excuse all and any of them if you want to, Stefan has the Ripper gene, Damon can't handle his emotions, Elena turned her emotions off, Caroline trying to save Bonnie and turning her emotions off, Bonnie trying to save Elena.
It goes on and on. Why do you single Damon out?
Even Georgie went to hell for being drunk and texting while driving.
Why does she deserve redemption? Or does she?
Current moods apply to all of them, Matt included. And don't say he doesn't kill humans because his "mood" caused him to do exactly that, Penny.

We're all on our way out, act accordingly.


Good point. I was only thinking of Damon because he's the one the show focuses on redeeming but you're absolutely right.


Elena did that while her humanity was off because Damon made her turn it off.Damon killed Jeremy and others just out of anger.You can't compare.


Yes, I can compare because Elena was a vampire for 10 minutes compared to Damons 160 some odd years , he knew the loss of her brother would overwhelm her, just like the loss of his brother overwhelmed him, thats why he told her to turn it off.
And, Stefan is the one who goaded her into killing the waitress, Damon was the one who brought her humanity back.

We're all on our way out, act accordingly.


My point is that Damon kills with his humanity on and when he turns it off it's by choice, he said it himself. You can't compare what Elena did after she was made to turn off her humanity to what Damon does by choice.


My point is what choice did any of them have , Elena wouldn't have chosen to kill anyone if she wasn't a vampire , neither would Damon, or Stefan or Enzo or Caroline.

We're all on our way out, act accordingly.



Elena,even as a vampire didn't want to kill anyone and was so happy to be able to drink from a blood bag


Don't think that Stefan and Damon and Enzo had bllodbags available.

We're all on our way out, act accordingly.


no, but they could control themselves and not kill their victims.How many times some victims were alive,like that chearleader Elena bit for example.Or the rabit she bit in the forest with Stefan


No, they couldn't control the bloodlust. That's why Stefan killed his father, Damon couldn't resist becoming a vamp, Caroline killed the guy at the fair, Enzo killed the guy on the ship.
When Elena bit the cheerleader she didn't kill her because her need to feed wasn't that strong, she was hungry, not desperate.
New vamps have less control, ie Vicky.
Stefan and Caroline went rabbit hunting, with Elena it was Bambi.
Stefan loses control because of his Ripper gene, Damonon loses control because his emotions overwhelm,ie, turning them off and turning them on,
Elena killed Conor because she was sired to Damon and he told her to, to protect all of them.
Caroline lost it too, a killing spree on campus with Stefan.
None of them can control themselves, they are all victims to their supernatural existence.

We're all on our way out, act accordingly.


They couldn't control it at the begining but they sure learn how to so after a while there is no excuse.And when they choose to turn their humanity off, whatever they do in that state is on them.Klaus forced Stefan to turn it off and attack Elena.Damon used the sire bond to get Elena to turn it off.These are the only times I can't blame them because they didn't choose to.


We're all on our way out, act accordingly.



You will soon learn that arguing with a Damon fangirl determined to woobify his every action is the surest way to insanity.


not arguing, 🍊 bird, why r u.

We're all on our way out, act accordingly.




Stefan didn't "goad" her she did it because Stefan AND Damon kept trying to bring her humanity, she used the lady as an example, a threat.


None of them deserve redemption. Not even Bonnie. The problem is that redemption is made a big deal on a show about murderous vampires and their allies and the writers do a really sucky job of demonstrating what redemption is and why they deserve to have it.


Maybe they r doing a sucky job IF u watch the show for 7years and have zero empathy for them.

We're all on our way out, act accordingly.
