This film gave me amnesia
I saw this film at the theater and I have a great memory. But I just rewatched it and swear I'd forgot the whole movie. Someone from Recall must have erased it from my mind.
Anyway, having reseen it, it's unfortunate that the plot was so over the top and unbelievable because treated right this could have been a great film. The script was based on a non-scifi version of Total Recall where someone forgets his identity and the audience and Liam have to figure out why. The script gets more and more unbelievable until the insane ending. Anyway worth watching because you can just get a glimpse of something that could have been real good...if only.
My best guess is the writers handed the producer and director the half baked half finished script and they said, this is Liam Neeson. No matter how bad the script is if he's on screen killing bad guys it'll make millions. Let's get this piece of junk over with so we can get on with Taken 2