The "Lie-Detector Test" canard ( unfounded rumor ) Did Woody Allen refuse to take a polygraph test?
Q&A With Dylan Farrow
DECEMBER 13, 2017 by Robert Weide
It has been asserted, and repeated here many times that Woody was ordered by Connecticut police to take a lie-detector test, and refused. The fact is that Woody Allen was never asked to take a lie-detector test by the police. Woody Allen did take a lie-detector test from an independent examiner - the most respected operator in the business, and it confirmed his account of events. Woody Allen then asked Mia Farrow to take a lie-detector test. Mia refused.
Here is one of many sections in the writings by Robert Weide explaining this misconception:
DF: Allen refused to take a polygraph administered by the Connecticut state police.
RW: Allen was actually never asked to take a polygraph test by the CT State police. However, soon after Mia made her accusation, Allen voluntarily submitted to a polygraph test by an independent examiner. Some low-information commentators have implied that Allen’s legal team must have found someone who could be paid off to fudge the results. In fact, the examiner was the most respected man in the field, Paul Minor (1940- 2015). He had been Chief of the Polygraph Office for the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command in the 1970s. In the 1980s, he was the Chief Polygraph Examiner for the FBI. (He not only taught polygraphology at the FBI Academy, but had set up the entire program there.) Minor conducted polygraph tests in the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas case, the Jon Benet Ramsey case, Enron, O.J. Simpson, DeLorean, and others. Allen fully passed the test. The results were submitted to the CT State police, with Minor flying in to answer questions. The State police concurred with Minor’s findings, which is probably why they never proposed administering their own test. Mia was then asked by Woody’s lawyers to take a reciprocal polygraph test. She wouldn’t. Maybe it’s not too late.
In the linked article above there are many other misconceptions and lies from the Farrow family throughout many years that are countered and corrected. Read it and others if you care about justice and the truth. share