
Can Hollywood PLEASE stop having hot, racially ambiguous female "hackers?" It's so cliché and unrealistic!


Can Hollywood just stop having "hackers" involved with every crime scene investigation team and show on CBS.

Like Matrix, I fight for love.


I agree. It's always so cringy. And you know most of those people just use an iPad as their main computer in real life. I doubt anyone has basic troubleshooting skills in real life.


To be fair, hackers would be involved in a lot of things, but sadly they are not wizards, and the speed and ease with which they hack things is stupid. It doesn't matter how much smarter you are than other people, if they make appropriate security choices, you simply cannot hack them like that.


A technology expert is needed unless you want this to be fictional, technology free world that MacGyver is operating in. Do I agree with the Hollywood ideas of just exactly who a tech expect is and what a tech expect looks like? No more than I agree with the Hollywood idea of the "dumb blond" (which is why I hope Penny Parker is a totally different character). I'm blond and I majored in computer programming, I don't fit in either one of their typical profiles!

and the speed and ease with which they hack things is stupid.

Just like with the speed at which the results would come in on "CSI", that has more to do with the fact that it's a 42 to 44 minute television show.


What they do in CSI is usually at least somewhat plausible, just completed sometimes faster than even possible and other times faster than the current wait times would allow in the real world.

This is a whole lot different than having your CSI crime scene results being verified by a psychic. What the hackers do, and how they describe doing it is, generally, not possible with higher level security sites without a lot of work that necessarily requires doing more than typing on a keyboard for ANY amount of time. (Some lower level web sites will often still have major security risks...)


a lot of work that necessarily requires doing more than typing on a keyboard for ANY amount of time.

It reminded me of a Star Trek episode, where one of the characters is trying to access something.

"I'm locked out"

"I'll try running a bypass"

* presses literally 3 buttons on the console

"I'm in"


Maybe they were still using windows XP? 


A lot of -RLY- interesting things can be seen (and done) IRL, when "hacking" something... IMO it would, actually, be interesting to see it all 4 real, heh. (You know, as close as it can get :))


I feel like tv computer "experts" in crime shows are the most miscast characters in all tv. I went to a school and had a major with a lot of IT and comp sci people and NO ONE is a super hot chick. (I am a female btw)


What the woman or the unable to tell what race she is?


I couldn't have said it better myself.


Huh? Do you not understand "racially ambiguous?" It's an adjective that describes the female.


Problem: Help Ms. Blahblah, the fate of this mission depends on you.

TV show hacker: Wait I'll change my outfit that'll work.



It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .
