MovieChat Forums > MacGyver (2016) Discussion > Plastic Bottle Molotov Cocktail?

Plastic Bottle Molotov Cocktail?

Do you know what would happen if you tossed a plastic bottle partly filled with gasoline out a window?


That's all I needed to shut off this god-awful "remake".



Good point. Wouldn't a glass one just shatter, for that matter?


Jack said something about Mac bringing only 1 bag of fertilizer so it was more than just a bottle filled with gasoline. I don't know having never tried it but what happens when fertilizer and gasoline get bounced around together?

Since they cannot show the entire process without idiots in the audience trying to copy it you (I hope!) can figure out that there was more to it than we saw. The original used to keep out 1 key ingredient just so they didn't get sued when some idiot killed themselves copying it.


If he had somehow created a mixture unstable enough to explode on contact in a plastic bottle, the shock from throwing it would have set it off.

I agree they shouldn't show how to make deadly weapons or break into secure areas, but there are far more intelligent ways to depict such acts. The problem with this show is they try to appear intelligent by listing the ingredients and/or steps on the screen, but don't bother making it accurate. Instead, you simply have Mac say something like "With a little fertilizer and some other ingredients I found I think I can make a bomb." That's far more plausible without insulting the audience or inspiring them to try it themselves. The casual viewer merely thinks it's cool while the science buff can accept the omission of details without feeling cheated.

Picking locks is a pet peeve of mine. They always show someone stick a pick or some random item in the lock, jiggle it, and open the door. You don't want to present a lesson on lock-picking (although even if they did, most people wouldn't be able to do it), but everyone knows you have to turn the cylinder to unlock the door and enter. A simple, and more visually interesting fix is to show the person begin the procedure, then cut to the inside of the lock and show the know turning. Then the door opens to reveal the face of the character.

This is why I'm so critical of current writers. The solutions are too simple to ignore.


U see him pouring fertilizer from a box in it


Lol Don't bother about the physics...
In the pilot he used a wire to make an electromagnet but it would never work with an uninsulated wire. And it would never jam the bad guy's comm using just a battery.
Oh, and you don't hammer a laptop to extract its hard drive and you don't open its casing to extract the data.


The end of the hose was above the gasoline tank the whole time. Syphoning doesn't work that way.

There was other stuff in the bottle but unless he dreamed up a quick and easy way to produce nitroglycerin, there is pretty much no chance it was going to ignite that easy or explode that much.


the whole sequence was terrible. why would a driver veer off the road if something suddenly exploded next to him? he would drive through it before his brain even registered that crazy crap was happening. classic 80s movie nonsense.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Most people have faster reactions than that. I would expect most people to at least try to swerve but not right off the road. In the absence of a better option people will tend to freeze and not do anything though.
