MovieChat Forums > MacGyver (2016) Discussion > So this is MacGyver's son

So this is MacGyver's son





Should be. Make it MacGyver's son and give the show the tongue in cheek name "MacGyver 2.0" and you'd actually have something.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


I thought the same thing until reading this thread. I'm glad I did. Weird concept.


In the original, Macgyver's son's name was Sam.

I'm watching the reboot as I type this (not liking it much btw) and when new-Mac made the comment about his grandfather, it made me wonder if RDA's Mac was supposed to me his grandfather.


In the original, Macgyver's son's name was Sam.

Technically, his name was Sean Angus Malloy. "Sam" was his nickname from his initials. He was introduced in the very last episode (season 7, episode 13) titled "The Stringer" and was played by the actor Dalton James (not to be confused with "Jack Dalton", Mac's friend and sometimes sidekick).



except his mother died and his father was apparently a dead beat father and left when he was 12?! ugh, such trash tbh, i had hopes! :(


Thanks for the correction. It's been so long since I've seen the original that I had to wiki the son's name. We all know how accurate that is! LOL!


You're all wrong Macgruber IS MacGyvers son.


Grandson, why else mention him in the pilot



MacGyver's son would have made more sense as a sequel. But the gay generation making this s-h-!-t couldn't figure out how to do a squeakquel right so they rebooted it like everything else they do these days.

Trust doesn't rust.
I am Error.



No, this is a reboot.
Richard Dean Anderson's Mac usually mentioned his grandfather (Harry). This boy does the same. He is Angus MacGyver, not his son, not his granson, not a relative. It's a reboot.


it's not a reboot.....IT'S A DISGRACE.


I don't think it would be a reboot if he were MacGyver's grandson. It would be connected to the original series. It's not connected.

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL &LL.


i think they should immdediately pull the show for 2 weeks and do some pick up shooting where they add in buts that make this macgyver the grand son. it wouldnt be that hard


In the very beginning he is narrating and states that his name is Angus MacGyver. It is not a sequel and I doubt that MacGyver's son would name the grandson Angus. I think he would go for something original or a more common modern name.

Trust doesn't rust.
I am Error.


This is fictional television. Anything's possible!

After episode 3 - "Awl" we now know Jack is Jack Dalton Jr as he was visiting his father's grave which said Jack Dalton Sr. on it. And when Jack tried to get Mac to call his dad Mac started to write him a letter instead. Jack said this is 2016 and Mac said "not to my dad".
