No Guns/Killing

I remember that being a theme in the original series. But I almost get an impression it isn't so much in this one, given the trailer.

I haven't watched this yet, but is that a fair analysis?



They haven't killed a single person yet that I can recall. The only one who uses a gun is Jack and whenever he shoots somebody it is "Person of Interest" style where he shoots out kneecaps and shoulders.


No guns has never meant, now or in 1985 that there are no guns on the show. All it has ever meant (and still does now) is that MacGyver doesn't use guns as "guns". It is a little more violent than the 1985 version (after all FCC standards have changed over the last 30 years) but it is not any more violent than any other show on network television right now and probably less violent than some simply because it is on at 8pm.


Antagonists on foreign soil often carry and use semi-automatic and automatic assault rifles. On an episode this season, US Embassy Marines were toting their usual weapons, although they didn't seem too proficient with them.

Bozer is the only character on the team to carry a handgun, just in case. He rarely, if ever, hits his human targets. But he is spot on with inanimate objects as targets.


Is it the Devil in the whiskey, or is it the Devil in him? -- ???


Bozer is the only character on the team to carry a handgun

"Bozer" wouldn't know which end of a handgun to hold and which end the bullet came out! Jack and Thornton are the ones who handled the guns. (Nicki, Murdoc, and the rest of the bad guys too!)
