Factual errors so outrageous
Hi, I'm Turkish and a native of Istanbul. I'm normally willing to overlook minor mistakes in a movie for the sake of entertainment, but this one is full of so many glaring factual errors it made me sick to my stomach. First and foremost; US Embassy in Istanbul !! This was beyond preposterous ! There is NO US Embassy in Istanbul, embassies are located in the capital city of a country, and Turkey's capital happens to be Ankara :), NOT Istanbul. There is a US Consulate in Istanbul, but it's about 15 miles away from where Bryan and his daughter grab the yellow Mercedes cab ( so nowhere near the Grand Bazaar as shown in the chase scene !), and it would take them AT LEAST half an hour to get there as traffic is usually jammed in the area...
2) The time difference between Istanbul and Los Angeles is +10 hours, sometimes even 11 due to winter / summer time adjustment, so when Bryan calls his CIA friends from the " Embassy " courtyard in the afternoon, it has to be around 5 or 6am in L.A, but what do we see ? He catches them on a golf course in broad day light !!
3) The border crossing scene was beyond ridiculous !! There is NO common border between Albania and Turkey, the Albanian mobsters would have to go through Greece, an EU member country, to come to Turkey.. And they expect us to believe that a border crossing point would only consist of a primitive hut with a single officer sitting in it !
4)The story takes place in present day, but they show Turkish police driving 80's model Fiat cars !
It's a shame that an actor like Liam Neeson, who gave us The Schindler's List, was involved in this.