MovieChat Forums > Taken 2 (2012) Discussion > Muslim call to prayer always linked to t...

Muslim call to prayer always linked to the bad guys

I know people say its 'just a film' ..but when a film is produced that millions of people watch, its not 'just a film' ..certain contents of the film sub-subconsciously stick.

All too often Hollywood depicts Muslims as murderous thugs with nothing more to do than destroy the 'milkshake drinking' way of American (or western) life.

Is it just me or are our minds being softened to accept / have no feelings when seeing the middle east in ruins?

I am a white and from the UK. This *beep* p1sses me off.

maybe a more accurate depiction of America would have been some crazed loon to shoot up the milkshake diner at the end.


Hollywood often depicts white guys as murderous thugs as well - well, usually Eastern Europeans, but Muslims are hardly the sole victims.

If you're going to go on a rant, at least look at the big picture and not only the propaganda you're pushing. There's nothing new about Hollywood's obsession with vilifying other races - they've done it to the Russians/Ukrainians, Chinese/Vietnamese/Koreans, Middle-Easterners, etc.

It's just makes it far easier to tell the story, as each race comes with its own historical and political baggage (to Americans). Instead of spending half the movie convincing the audience why a perfectly normal American citizen would want to murderterrorize his fellow men, they just stick a hostile slanty-eyed guy with a stilted accent in there.

However, you've got to agree the Americans are not uncomfortable with making their own people an object of ridicule. Many comedies have stupid (but lovable) white guys... it's just that turning them into homeland terrorists might be an uncomfortable subject for many filmmakers.


You make good points, but its not Hollywood i'm concerned about but the effect it has on the average joe's opinion about a person.

I wouldn't usually use IMDb as a political platform but doesn't anybody think the timing of their 'vilifying' could be a little more sensitive?

The scale of islamophobia related attacks are on the increase, i've seen it and experienced it - being half Iranian. Whether its physical, mental or just vandal. My point is these types of films with total disregard to the prejudices it infuses don't make me feel any better about disclosing my origins to people, you may or may not know how that feels. Anyway i'm just a simpleton, but i thought i WAS looking at the bigger picture.

It's much more than ridicule.

Don't get me started on Argo!




You are worried about Hollywood vilifying Muslims when they do just fine vilifying themselves.


just because it's been going on for forever, doesnt make it right. and chastising another person for wanting to discuss not the only the phenomena, but also the issues behind it...i just have to ask, why?

"just makes it far easier to tell the story", at the cost of misrepresenting or distorting one culture's identity and image, is just the lamest thing ive heard. if you have to do that just to make it easier to tell a story, then you ought not to be making movies at all. so for you to speak up for that is deplorable.

the muslim men were shown to be devout, and yet had tattoo of a crescent moon and star. if they did their research, the first thing they'd know that it is forbidden for muslims, devout or not, to be inked. taking on the religious meaning of the crescent moon and star as something that is tattooed, is also disrespectful.

i think the movie was ok. i enjoyed it, but all these things do not add up. and for the larger american society who, to be honest, are fairly ignorant, most of them will believe what they see to be true.

the filmic arts has to exercise greater responsibility in their craft. they can make movies about terrorism, kidnapping, they can even target the cultures that partake in it, but do not misrepresent them just because they have been vilified.


I think a story would be quite easy to tell about an American committing mass murder on a bunch of innocents. Much more instances of that then outside terrorist attacks.


To be fair to the Americans, their "vilainification" of the mentioned cultures has it's reasons... Russia threatened world peace and freedom for half a century. China did/does the same to a lesser degree. Vietnam put into action the threat represented by the Russians and Chinese, as did/does the North(!) Vietnamese. Middle Eastern Muslims have likewise been a threat to world/western peace, security and democracy for 40 years and continue to be to this day. I don't hear you berating the Americans for putting nazi-Germany in the role of the villain time and time again...?




Person of Interest especially likes to have exotic mobs, they have a good coverage of Eastern Europe by now. If I am not mistaken they have even mentioned Estonian mob twice throughout the series. Amazing.


Pff. Estonians. They dont have anything on the Lithuania mafia.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


that call to prayer inspired Liam Neeson to think about becoming a muslim, so at least it did some good. anyway the movie was made by jewish crackers, so whatever



How on earth could inspiring someone to turn to a hopelessly anachronistic religion be good?


*beep* no man in their right mind would be inspired to convert to Islam just by the call to prayer. I'd say that if he did convert, that's anything but good. Read your "holy" book, it's full of hate and contradictions.


"Did some good?" Are you serious?


The Muslim threat to Israel has been going on since Israel was granted nation-status.


Judging all Muslims based on those rioting lunatics is like judging all Christians based on the redneck evangelical dumbasses who plague the USA.


There are hundreds of thousands of missionaries of the Muslim and Christian faith who are quietly doing good around the world, but it's not exactly the kind of gripping news stories that the media are going to highlight.

So we get ignorant kids and people making moronic remarks about how religion is evil. Yeah, we get it - you are idiots who only know how to read headlines and not between the lines.



Religion doesn't have a good track record.

And it is still showing its ugly side:


Here is some statistics about islam:

Wenzel Strategies (2012): 58% of Muslim-Americans believe criticism of Islam or Muhammad is not protected free speech under the First Amendment.
45% believe mockers of Islam should face criminal charges (38% said they should not).
12% of Muslim-Americans believe blaspheming Islam should be punishable by death.
43% of Muslim-Americans believe people of other faiths have no right to evangelize Muslims.
32% of Muslims in America believe that Sharia should be the supreme law of the land.

NOP Research: 78% of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons

People-Press: 31% of Turks support suicide attacks against Westerners in Iraq.

World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on Americans:
(Egypt 34%; Indonesia 45%; Pakistan 33%)
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda's attitude toward the U.S.

Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).

Informal poll of Saudis in August 2014 shows 92% agree that Islamic State (ISIS) "conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law."

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified. (Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

ICM Poll: 11% of British Muslims find violence for religious or political ends acceptable.

NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam

Can you find similar numbers for other religions?

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


C'mon Mr you REALLY think they're out there rioting because of a film? have you seen the latest numbers released of innocent citizens killed by drone strikes? Wouldn't a silent assassin in the air make you a paranoid and frustrated wreck? But now we're riding into a whole new subject...

Take your head out the ground. There's more going on in the world than CNN or the BBC would like you to believe.



The video was just a release of energy to a very long fuse that has been burning.

And those muslims with the placard are probably about 1-2% of all muslims living in Sydney, but the media strive to put them in the headlights to rally up people just like you, to make stupid comments just like yours. Actually my original post is concerned towards people...just like you.


On another note Commander of hermits, just because something is happening thousands of miles away doesn't mean its not happening. People don't just take to the streets because they had nothing to do that day. I'm not condoning those grotesc placards, but the frustration expressed by the muslim world cannot be ignored. You can go back to sleep now.


MortZAA, as an American Muslim, I truly appreciate the objectivity of your point of view. As I'm sure you did, people must do their homework by means of reading/research to truly understand the underlying issues of contemporary Islam and its misinterpretation by the Media. The world needs more individuals like yourself who take initiative to ascertain the facts; rather than the media's brief, biased portrayals that everyone buys into. People like Commander Jim need to acknowledge this obligation to read between the lines, or ignorance will only continue to plague us as a society.

As for the film's portrayal, I think you have a point about the connotations that such scenarios imply, though I don't think its necessarily problematic. Directors and producers have the difficult task of portraying context in addition to the plot of the story within a 2 hour time frame. For the sake of imagery and time constraint, I feel many stereotypes are used to enable the masses to comprehend the context of the film as the plot continues to develop.


okay that does it . I am a muslim and I live in Pakistan and don't make someone stupid .mortzaa is a muslim name and no you are not white . you are one of us . secondly drone attacks killing innocent people ? those drone strikes killed baithullah mahshud and countless other terrorists the one who is responsible for killing thousand of Pakistanis. before baithuallah mehsud was killed , we had around 10 suicide attacks per week . after that person got killed we have less suicide attacks . so if you still think innocent people die in drone attacks than shoot yourself in the head . fourthly if you are going to whine about madrassas being shown as terrorists nurseries . most of the madrassas that run on Saudi funded money are responsible for upbringing hate against humanity and not even only humanity but against muslims as a whole .


drone attacks kill more innocent people than they do terrorists.

And not only does hollywood portray the call of prayer and muslims with the bad guys in their movies does the Bollywood... in a huge number of their movies. Even though a lot of muslims live in India.


drone attacks kill more innocent people than they do terrorists.

Citation needed.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


What frustration?????



Why don't you go and live in an Arab country then, you Arab-lover!

You call Americans "milkshake-loving"? How about you "tea-drinking" Poms!

Let's face it. The UK have never forgiven the U.S. for becoming independent from them, and becoming even more powerful than the U.K. ever was!


Dick Henderson - you make no sense.

Arab Lover? …well yeh, Arab / Anglo / Persian ….Humanity. Apart from mongloids like you.

You sound too stupid to reply back too but I’ll give it a go. My point about the ‘milkshake loving’ America was in reference to the end scene where Liam Neeson and his family are drinking milkshake, portraying life back in the ‘civilised’ word after killing a bunch of pesky Muslims. Didn’t that scene make you want to Vomit? Or were you too busy tugging one off over Liam Neeson and his 9mm.

…I just wrote all that while drinking some fine Yorkshire tea (of the gold variety) do you even know what POM stands for? I hope I made you google that.

Thanks to ignorant morons like you it only emboldens my argument.

But no you're right, all this stems from the American war for independence. I definitely sound like an imperialistic pig still living in the past. Man i wish i could decide who i vote in as president by watching t.v commercials.

P.S. The U.K's doing just fine without you.


First of all, my name's not Dick, but you obviously like acting like one!

As for the end scene, I think the movie should have ended with Neeson holding Lennie after he had just killed the bad guy. I did actually feel that the final scene was necessary (unless the boyfriend turns out to be another son of the baddie in Taken 3).

Also, I was not tugging one off over Liam Neeson, rather the daughter, who cut a fine figure in the bikini she wore for half the movie.

You are one angry Pom, aren't you!

The fact that you Poms bash America all the time makes me think that, yes, you are pissed off about the American war of independence. Why else would it be?

Look, you come across like a loser, putting down people who don't agree with you. You come across as a mean person in your comments.


Why the anti-British rhetoric? You think this person speaks for the entire UK? He/she clearly has some warped left wing agenda that almost nobody I know in the UK believes in.

As of today, 435 British soldiers have so far been killed in operations in Afghanistan fighting a war against Islamic fundamentalists. Do you think the friends and families of those troops are all sitting here shouting abuse at Americans? Of course not, we're on your side. Oh, and the war if independence, nobody cares. Honestly.

As for crying about being cast as the villain in Hollywood movies (to the OP), well for years the bad guy would almost always be British. Why? Partly down to colonial history, but largely because we were the only ones who didn't seem to mind. It's a movie. Get over it.


Yes but Hollywoods portrayal of a British Villain was pretty comical. You could quite easily take it with a pinch of salt. There weren't exactly mindless groups going around burning down tea-shops.

What we have is the constant anti Islamic demonstrations by people who are obviously confused and don't have a grasp on the real world. To say this isn't a growing problems you would be delusional, believe me I'm currently experiencing it. These idiotic movies DO NOT HELP. This is a growing problem and its not being addressed. *beep* going to go down and this isn't about taking sides - but having respect and a better understanding for a people and faith with which the majority know nothing about. Only the constant negativity in which we're spoon fed.

Can we also please move off the history lesson of war. Thats not what this discussion is about. If your still confused then please refer to original post.


Something I've noticed about decent people is that faith has little to do with their life, they expect no one else to accept their primitive beliefs and just move about this world in search of some form a fulfillment. Knowledge is pretty easy to obtain these day so if you actually start up a chat with someone from the middle east you'll find that they are fed a similar garbage as us in the U.S. Their T.V. says we hate them and mine tells me that I am supposed to dislike them because of it. Of course authentic, yet ignorant forms of hate spawn from this trickery and that is where we see bloodshed. Trust me, any Middle Easterner would be overjoyed to sit, play video games,go to the cine and not drink irradiated water. The sad thing is that quality does not yet exist there. Remember, mankind was a violent, horrible creature until we created a comfortable life for ourselves. You will note that the entire world is mocking both Islam and Christianity; this is because the intelligent are fed up with both. We have either dismissed out belief in Galactic Giants or settled on the idea that if a GOD does exist, he wants not a groveler but a creature who used all those glorious assets at its disposal such as its brain, eyes and what not to decipher what good and evil is. Quick experiment, stab yourself in you arm with a nearby pen. Did it hurt? Yes? Well you just learned why stabbing a man is wrong. Now did you need a God for that? No? Now grab a 20 dollar bill and torch it. Do you now see why stealing is wrong? You should, it is that easy. Anyone who defies this concept is an animal.
I do not want to regard or respect neither Christians or Muslims (maybe those beyond the age of 60, so they may die in peace), as I do not want to humor a child about the Tooth Fairy. It is time to turn to something a little more human, like the simple want to not see a person suffer.


every one should kill him self ,just to check if it's a good a thing to do and before you do it cut your fingers just to make sure it's a good thing too,sample as that.
you are one wise man my friend!


Mr D. My attack isn’t on America, I happen to like America, my dad LIVES in America. I just don't agree with most of your gov' foreign policies. My DISCUSSION is on the constant bad portrayal of Muslims by Hollywood or the main stream media. So yes – I am angry, only longing for PEACE. with my dad being an Iranian with an Iranian family the growing trend of islamphobia concerns me and films like this don’t help.

“You come across as a mean person in your comments” …So your previous comment ‘go back to Arab land’ ..’arab lover’ …what the hell was that? Do you see why someone might call you an idiot? Maybe that’s why my response to you was aggressive?

(I also agree the boyfriend is a baddy, and yes – the daughter is a hot)

My reason for starting this discussion is far more deep seeded than events that occurred hundreds of years ago. If I’m going to touch lightly on the American war for independence then I happen to think it was a positive outcome. The world is a better place with freedom not empire. So your argument is void.



Thanks for your hateful, bigoted "review". In case you hadn't noticed, Muslims ARE the bad guys due to their participation in virtually every terrorist atrocity committed worldwide for the last 20 years. And WTF do you know about America you f in communist?


Could you please refer to my 'hateful' and 'bigoted' words in the discussion post (discussion, not review)which you have accused me of? which you THEN followed with your own hateful, bigoted, racist, ignorant words. Is uncle Alfie the one that came into your bedroom at night and gave you all these confused thoughts?

Please scroll through the entire discussion post to see my answer to idiots like you. Stop hating on Muslims, terrorist atrocities have been carried out by all types of people. The terrorists aren't real muslims but only use religion to control and steer vulnerable people to carry out their real objectives. Vulnerable people like you my poor confused little nephew of Alfie.

People like you give a strong case to the dictators who deny their people the right to vote. Where the hell did communist come from? you must be 60 years old. The button to turn off the computer is on the left, your lost, go back to bed.



Your a disgusting human being. Go back to the end of your uncle Alfie's finger.


Then tell your Muslim "buddies" to stop the killings worldwide


You Sir just proved the OP's point.




u mad bro? u sound really mad bro? one should not post on imdb forums while mad.


One silly amateur youtube video sent the whole muslim world into an orgy of rioting and murder.
The fact you think the whole muslim world went crazy is because that's how the media presented it. 1 million people demonstrated responded out of 1.5 billion muslims but the "whole" muslim world went into an uproar. Your the average joe who is getting persuaded by images/movies like this.


You don't see Christians killing innocents
